ISGyP LiVE Journal Club - October 2022 - Ovary, serous neoplasms/ Fallopian Tube

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Topic: Ovary, serous neoplasms/ Fallopian Tube
Moderated by Becca Wolsky (USA) and Ian Hagemann (USA)
The presenters and articles were:

Busem Binboga Kurt (USA) presenting: Ersoy E et al. HER2 Protein Overexpression and Gene Amplification in Tubo-Ovarian High-grade Serous Carcinomas. Int J Gynecol Pathol. 2022;41(4):313-319. PMID: 34320531

Robson Cedro (Brazil) presenting: Rabban JT et al. Cytoplasmic Pattern p53 Immunoexpression in Pelvic and Endometrial Carcinomas With TP53 Mutation Involving Nuclear Localization Domains: An Uncommon But Potential Diagnostic Pitfall With Clinical Implications. Am J Surg Pathol. 2021;45(11):1441-1451. PMID: 33899789

Lynelle Smith (USA) presenting: Farahani H et al. Deep learning-based histotype diagnosis of ovarian carcinoma whole-slide pathology images [published online ahead of print, 2022 Sep 5]. Mod Pathol. 2022;10.1038/s41379-022-01146-z. PMID: 36065012
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