The Real Reason Why Margarey Was Arrested By The Faith of the Seven 😨

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Did you know in the books Margarey is arrested for cheating on Tommen? This short uses evidence from A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, A Feast for Crows, A Dance with Dragons and The Winds of Winter.

A Game of Thrones theory explained, prepare for The Winds of Winter release date with a theory video of George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire book series and something to think about while waiting for HBO's House of the Dragon Season 2.

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I like how Cersei has the shocked pikachu face after the faith militant turns on her for the same thing she accused Margaery of 😅


Also, Margaery loves hawking and horseback riding. It is actually believed that she lost her maidenhead on a saddle and never slept around. I loved reading the scene in the books when Cersei was all smug and sure of her power, just to end up in a cell as well.


Books cersei is so terrible at running things. She just slowly destroys everything Tywin put in place, every ally she thought she had was working for someone else, every decision she makes harms Lannister control and lessens ally's. Half of book 4 is just Cersei being one of the worst rulers the seven kingdoms had ever seen.


Funnily enough these sorts of false confessions and framing sounds an awful lot like what happened to Queen Anne Boleyn…who Natalie Dormer ALSO played in the Tudors.


Ser Osney is seen as too eager to confess and gets tortured also always thought it was sweet that people go protest for her.😢


Osney Kettleblack was one of three brothers. Cersei got the services of the Kettleblacks, because she wanted her own sellswords to match Tyrion's hill-tribesmen. Cersei got Lancel to hire sellswords for her. But Lancel is being blackmailed to report everything to Tyrion. He hires the Kettlebacks on orders from Tyrion, but unknown to both of them these men are in the pay of Littlefinger. Their father is Steward to the Baelish land on the Finger Islands. Cersei later makes them Kingsguards.

Osney Kettleback was something of a ladies man who was popular with Margaery and her ladies. Cersei tries to get Osney to seduce Margaery. Then she can get the betrothal to Tommen canceled after Osney and Margaery are discovered in the act, but Margaery is not interested in Osney. So then Cersei tells Osney to just go confess to the High Sparrow and asks forgiveness for his sin of sleeping with Margaery. She offers him money and a royal pardon. Osney would be found guilty, but then sent to the Wall, where Cersei wanted him to then kill Jon Snow for allowing Stannis and his men to occupy Castle Black. After that a pardon would be sent to the Wall for him and he would be given lands.

Osney tells Cersei that the lie that he slept with a queen would be more convincing if Cersei let him sleep with her. And Cersei agreed though she was only doing it for Tommen and didn't really seem to want to. Also a minstrel is tortured to also confess that he slept with Margaery too. Several Other High placed men at court are accused, but they protest they are innocent and there is no evidence so they are later aquitted.

However nothing goes according to Cersei's plan, for Osney is tortured by the High Sparrow and then his story changes and it is Cersei that he had sex with. The minstrel is still saying that he slept with Margaery, but torture has made him insane. Margaery is still imprisoned because the septa says she is not a maid, but as for the fact that she got moon tea made for her by a maester several times, I have wondered if she really slept with so many and got pregnant that many times. I suspect that she really just had it made for one of her cousins or ladies in waiting. The book story hasn't resolved this storyline yet. Let's all hope Winds of Winter comes out soon.

Cersei finds out that all of the Kettleblacks are now arrested and being tortured. Cersei doesn't know what they will confess to under torture, so she just confesses to sleeping with all of them. I wonder what would happen if Littlefinger's Steward finds out that Littlefinger got all if his kids executed for treason, which would be the penalty for sleeping with the King's mother.

One scene I really liked in the show is Olenna Tyrell going to see the High Sparrow. She has one conversion and knows immediately how dangerous this man is, while Cersei didn't have a clue.


I always found it hilarious how Cersei tried to mimic Tywin then goes and does something as ridiculous as putting weapons in the hands of religious zealots. Arming the faith just to try to get rid of Margery is EXACTLY why Tywin said you're not as smart as you think you are.


Hymens are extremely delicate and can be broken by as little as running, swimming or of course horse riding. That's why checking for one is dumb, and medieval people thankfully knew that and didn't bother. Cersei probably had it done as extra evidence, but the books make it clear it's shaky proof at best.


Pretty dumb thing to confess to, because its treason to do that with the queen. Especially if you think Cersei is going to protect you/


It should be noted that while the High Sparrow does still intend to try her, it's with the knowledge that she'll likely be proved innocent. He's only doing this because he, and the small council, agree that letting her off without the trial might cause people to think it was simply bought and that would harm the faith, the court, and even margarey herself, so at this point it's more favor than anything.


Yeah Cercei (in the books) was really not as smart as she thought xD (I am pretty sure more than one character mentioned that). It never crossed her mind, that they will torture and question Ser Osney as well.


Your Grace.” Ser Osfryd hesitated. “There’s a crowd gathering outside the door of Baelor’s Sept.”
“What sort of crowd?” Anything unexpected made her wary. She remembered what Lord Waters had said about the riots. I had not considered how the smallfolk might react to this.
Margaery has been their little pet. “How many?”
“A hundred or so. They’re shouting for the High Septon to release the little queen. We can send them running, if you like.”
“No. Let them shout until they’re hoarse, it will not sway the Sparrow. He only listens to the gods.”
There was a certain irony in His High Holiness having an angry mob encamped upon his doorstep, since just such a mob had raised him to the crystal crown. Which he promptly sold.
“The Faith has its own knights now. Let them defend the sept. Oh, and close the city gates as well. No one is to enter or leave King’s Landing without my leave, until all this is done and settled.”


I think it’s cool that Cersei was right though so dumb to arrest her there’s so much rebellion in the kingdom and she’s picks now to tick off Lannisters biggest allies


Tell the whole story. Pycellw is a Lannister operative so he is just saying he provided her moon tea. Also all of the people that have “confessed” have been proven to be false confessions and that the people they arrested had no intercourse with her and the only person they still have arrested, the Blue Bard, for sleeping with Margaery but we KNOW that his confession is false and that he was tortured brutally by Qyburn to get that “confession.” Also, Cersei even thinks to herself that a woman’s maidenhead will be broken if they ride horses a lot and that Margaery will regret all of those horseback ridings she has done over her life. So there is really no evidence that Margaery has slept with anyone. Also, Pycelle has been killed by Varys in the epilogue of ADWD so his moon tea testimony, which would be the most damning, won’t even be able to be used. She is in the custody of one of Tyrell’s banner men as well. So she SHOULD be ok when tried by the faith but this is GRRM so anything can happen.


Everyone commenting she was married, she did the maiden clinse which only maidens(virgins) do. So basically she told the world that none of her previous husbands did it with her


Cersei s just so dumb Highgarden is the only power holding up your son with the ironborn in the West dornish and aegon the younger in the South and vale in the east u ll barely have odds to beat as is


Cerseis walk of shame in show (while satisfying to watch) was still quite tame when compared to the books.


I have to laugh about all the comments complaing about the hymen part not being a guarantee when the books SAY THAT AS WELL. It's why Cersei went overboard by having Osmey confess and she even makes a comment about Margeary riding horses as the reason why. Its also why Margeary isn't presumed guilty immediatly.


Even if it not backfire, what she thinks that would happen ?
At this point the crown needs the support of the Tyrells like air, no matter if is war or peace
Mace and Tarly had effectively conquer KL after this, Cersei was lucky that the faith take her and make her eat dust
And no, she can't end them with wildfire even if she try


Ngl the show did it better, it didnt really make much sense in the books that a simple “confession” with no real witnesses or evidence gets the Queen in triuble
