Limburg mijn Vaderland [English & Afrikaans subtitles]

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#limburg #netherlands #dutch

Limburg mijn Vaderland ("Limburg my Fatherland") is the official anthem of the two provinces of Limburg, Netherlands Limburg and Belgian Limburg.

The anthem was written by the schoolteacher Gerard Krekelberg in 1909. The music was composed by Henri Tijssen.

The fact that Krekelberg's lyrics are in Dutch can be seen as surprising. It is all the more surprising that he put quite a lot of emphasis on Limburg being united, which was not the case at the time - and arguably still is not. The Limburgish language was - and still is - very much a unifying factor in a culturally diverse area. Around the time that Krekelberg wrote his poem, Dutch was of little importance in daily life in Limburg. Everything was done in Limburgish. In the 19th century this was even more the case. Newspapers were either in German or French. In various parts of Limburg, German was the language used in churches and schools. In Maastricht, a largely Francized city due to its historic ties with Liège, education, theatre and 'polite' conversation and correspondence were in French.

Dutch Lyrics (for this version of the song):

Limburg mijn Vaderland

Waar in 't bronsgroen eikenhout, 't nachtegaaltje zingt,
over 't malse korenveld, 't lied des leeuweriks klinkt,
waar de hoorn des herders schalt, langs der beekjes boord:
Daar is mijn vaderland, Limburgs dierbaar oord!
Daar is mijn vaderland, Limburgs dierbaar oord!

Waar de brede stroom der Maas, statig zeewaarts vloeit,
weel'drig sappig veldgewas, kostelijk groeit en bloeit,
bloemengaard en beemd en bos, overheerlijk gloort:
Daar is mijn vaderland, Limburgs dierbaar oord!
Daar is mijn vaderland, Limburgs dierbaar oord!

Afrikaans Lyrics (for this version of the song):

Limburg my Vaderland

Waar in bronsgroen eikewoud, nagtegaaltjies sing,
oor ‘n tere koringland, sang van lewerik kling,
waar die herdershoring skal, aan die beek se boord:
Dáár is my Vaderland, Limburg se dierbare oord!
Dáár is my Vaderland, Limburg se dierbare oord!

Waar die breë Maasrivier, statig seewaarts vloei,
welig groeiend veldgewas, kostelik bot en bloei,
blommetuin en wei en woud, helder glansend gloor:
Dáár is my Vaderland, Limburg se dierbare oord!
Dáár is my Vaderland, Limburg se dierbare oord!

English Lyrics (for this version of the song):

Limburg my Fatherland

Where in forests of bronze-green oak, little nightingales sing,
across a tender field of wheat, sounds of the lark’s songs ring,
where the shepherd's horn echoes, along the creekside near:
There is my fatherland, Limburg's land so dear!
There is my fatherland, Limburg's land so dear!

Where the Meuse so widely flows, stately towards sea,
lush and juicy field crops grow, and blossom covered tree,
flower garden, meadow and wood, glows in daylight clear:
There is my fatherland, Limburg’s land so dear!
There is my fatherland, Limburg’s land so dear!
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Dis verheffend mooi....ek het dit al by ander kunstenaars gehoor!


Daar is ‘n Afrikaanse weergawe ook. “Waar ou tavelberg se kruin, deur die wolke steek, tot waar die limpopo stroom, deur die berghange breuk…..”
