Why Employee Engagement Programs Don't Work Anymore | Jacob Morgan

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The way companies attract and keep employees has changed a lot over the years.

It used to be that job postings were put up and candidates had to impress the company.

But now, things are different.

Candidates are more likely to ask questions about what it's really like to work at the company.

In the past, companies tried to attract and keep employees by telling them how great the company is or by investing in employee engagement programs.

But these band-aid solutions don't fix the real problems that make employees unhappy.

To create a workplace where employees are eager to come in, companies need to focus on changing the way things are done and empowering their employees from day one.

While employee engagement programs can be a nice addition to a company's culture, they are not enough to create long-lasting engagement and satisfaction.

Companies must focus on making substantial changes to their workplace practices and culture to truly create an environment where employees want to work and feel engaged.

#futureofwork #leadership #employeeexperience #employeeengagement #change


Рекомендации по теме

Difference between Employee Engagement and Employee Experience


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Really interesting stuff! I love the comparison to online dating. Without an engaged team behind your business, you're going to really struggle!


When exactly did employee engagement programs work? The employee satisfaction survey began in 1920, over a hundred years ago. The needle has stayed the same since then despite the exponential growth of EE/EX tools and the ubiquitous EE/EX experts and billions invested. Yet, no one has described how EE/EX was transformed, what process was used, how long it took, how the results were measured, and whether they were sustainable. Sadly, talking about EE/EX has been conflated with solving EE/EX. There's no shortage of opinions, that's for sure. Results, not so much.
