Reformed Systematic Theology vol. 2 Review | @CrosswayBooks | 4K 60FPS

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The aim of systematic theology is to engage not only the head but also the heart and hands. Only recently has the church compartmentalized these aspects of life—separating the academic discipline of #theology from the spiritual disciplines of faith and obedience. This multi-volume work by #Crossway brings together rigorous historical and theological scholarship with spiritual disciplines and practical insights—characterized by a simple, accessible, comprehensive, #Reformed , and experiential approach.

ISBN-10: 1-4335-5987-0
ISBN-13: 978-1-4335-5987-7

Table of Contents:

Part 3: Anthropology: The Doctrine of Man
Analytical Outline: Anthropology
Chapter 1: Introduction to Anthropology
Section A: The Doctrine of Creation
Chapter 2: The Creation of the World, Part 1: God the Creator
Chapter 3: The Creation of the World, Part 2: Historical and Theological Questions
Chapter 4: The Creation of the World, Part 3: Exegetical Questions
Chapter 5: The Creation of the World, Part 4: Scientific Questions
Section B: The Doctrine of Man’s Creation and Nature
Chapter 6: The Creation of Man by God
Chapter 7: The Controversy over the Historical Adam
Chapter 8: The Image of God, Part 1: Exegetical and Biblical Theology
Chapter 9: The Image of God, Part 2: Historical and Polemical Theology
Chapter 10: The Image of God, Part 3: Systematic and Practical Theology
Chapter 11: The Gender and Sexuality of Man
Chapter 12: The Constitution of Man, Part 1: Unity and Duality
Chapter 13: The Constitution of Man, Part 2: Body and Soul
Chapter 14: God’s Covenant with Adam, Part 1: Biblical Teaching
Chapter 15: God’s Covenant with Adam, Part 2: Historical and Systematic Theology
Chapter 16: God’s Covenant with Adam, Part 3: Practical Implications
Section C: The Doctrine of Sin
Chapter 17: Introduction to the Doctrine of Sin
Chapter 18: The Fall of Man into Sin and Misery
Chapter 19: The State of Sin, Part 1: Historical Theology of Original Sin
Chapter 20: The State of Sin, Part 2: Universal Sin, Imputed Guilt, and Lack of Righteousness
Chapter 21: The State of Sin, Part 3: Total Depravity and Inability
Chapter 22: The Free Choice of the Will
Chapter 23: Actual Sins: The Diverse, Poisonous Fruit of Original Sin
Chapter 24: The Punishment of Sin by God
Chapter 25: Sin and the Believer
Chapter 26: Suffering and the Believer

Part 4: Christology: The Doctrine of Christ
Analytical Outline for Christology
Section A: The Doctrine of the Covenant of Grace
Chapter 27: Introduction to the Covenant of Grace
Chapter 28: Historical Perspectives on God’s Covenants
Chapter 29: The Perpetual Continuity of God’s Gospel
Chapter 30: The Eternal Covenant with God’s Son and Those in Union with Him
Chapter 31: The Diverse Administrations of God’s Covenant of Grace, Part 1: Noah, Abraham, and Moses
Chapter 32: The Diverse Administrations of the Covenant of Grace, Part 2: David and the New Covenant
Chapter 33: The Essential Unity of God’s Covenant of Grace
Chapter 34: The Abiding Duty to Obey God’s Moral Law
Chapter 35: The Church’s Union with Her Covenant God through Faith
Section B: The Doctrine of the Person of Christ
Chapter 36: Introduction to the Study of Christ’s Person and Work
Chapter 37: The Names of Christ
Chapter 38: The Deity of Christ
Chapter 39: Christ’s Incarnation, Part 1: The Coming of the Incarnate Son
Chapter 40: Christ’s Incarnation, Part 2: Humanity and Relations
Chapter 41: Christ’s Incarnation, Part 3: Historical Development of Orthodox Christology
Chapter 42: Christ’s Incarnation, Part 4: Theological Questions and Practical Applications
Section C: The Doctrine of the Work of Christ
Chapter 43: The Threefold Office of the One Mediator
Chapter 44: The Two States of Our Prophet, Priest, and King
Excursus: He Descended into Hell
Chapter 45: Christ’s Prophetic Work, Part 1: Introduction and Typology
Chapter 46: Christ’s Prophetic Work, Part 2: Revelation by the Word
Chapter 47: Christ’s Prophetic Work, Part 3: Illumination for His Prophetic People
Chapter 48: Christ’s Priestly Work, Part 1: Introduction to Christ’s Priestly Office
Chapter 49: Christ’s Priestly Work, Part 2: Penal Substitution for the Satisfaction of God’s Justice
Chapter 50: Christ’s Priestly Work, Part 3: Christ’s Sacrificial Obedience
Chapter 51: Christ’s Priestly Work, Part 4: The Perfections of Christ’s Sacrificial Accomplishment
Chapter 52: Christ’s Priestly Work, Part 5: Intercession for a Priestly People
Chapter 53: Christ’s Kingly Work, Part 1: Introduction, Victory, and Triumph
Chapter 54: Christ’s Kingly Work, Part 2: Power, Grace, and Glory
Chapter 55: Christ’s Kingly Work, Part 3: Christ’s Kingly People
Chapter 56: Practical Conclusion to Christology: The Centrality of Christ
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I’m halfway through the first volume right now. It’s excellent.


Just trying to complete volume 1 before grabbing the second this month! Great review!!


Now, THIS is the type of resource that is the very essence of theology for doctrine, confessions, creeds and guidance. I wonder how many volumes they will finally produce? Volume 3 is due out in November of this year. And, given the titles, there must be at least 2 or 3 more volumes after that. At $65 per volume, the whole set would be about $390. Time to start saving the pennies.


W0w! A good review. I am planning to get a copy of this book. :


Can you talk about the words in the bible changeing and what that means.
