Filter Bubbles and Echo Chambers

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You've probably heard the term Filter Bubble and/or Echo Chamber at least once or twice in the past few months. It's a term that has been circling the media for some time about Facebook and the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. But what do they mean exactly? How does it relate to the internet or more specifically Facebook and Google? How does it affect you? Watch the video to find out!

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Scene 1
“Filter Bubble” is a theory that the algorithms from companies like Facebook and Google bases the information given to you on data acquired from things like, your search history, your past click behavior, the type of your computer and your location. Therefore, limiting the topics that reach you to a bubble of only your own formulated interests and personalized search subjects.

Scene 2
The term was coined by Eli Pariser who wrote a book on this subject explaining that these algorithms are “closing us off to new ideas, new subjects and important information ”. What he means is that you are not given information outside your own political views, religious views or even other data like for example updates on women's rights and animal rights.

Scene 3
Another way of saying this is “Echo Chamber”. Echo chamber is when information, ideas, or beliefs are repeatedly pushed in an enclosed system like your mind, your newsfeed, or your social circle, while other views are prohibited.

Scene 4
It’s not so different as it was back in the old days where our great-grandfathers chose only one type of newspaper. However, as time went on, the curators and editors of old media realized the important effects they had on the world and spent decades to develop their ethical foundation. Are algorithms created by corporations equipped with the same ethical foundation? Are you limiting your own views? Are you learning anything new?

Scene 5
Filter bubbles may have had some responsibility in the 2016 election. During the Obama administration, the concerns of the American working class in the midwest have been ignored and rejected. This led to a hardening of their political stance. Another example is the opposing side, the liberals had believed they held an extraordinary lead until the election ballots were counted. And then of course as always in an aggressive campaign, many people felt that attacks on their candidate were like attacks on themselves which lead them to retreat into their bubble where only agreeable information can reach them.

Scene 6
It’s not necessarily that personalized information engines are a bad thing. They do help edit out the massive amount of information provided online to cater to what’s important to us. After all, we can’t process all the news that’s affecting people in Syria, China, North Korea, Africa, Germany, Kim Kardashian and then finally to news of our own country.

Scene 7
It really comes down to actively being aware of the content you see. Actively expanding your news source and balancing your knowledge on interested topics. Being that we are a generation that is given the opportunity to easily get a chance to open our minds to other viewpoints. It seems like it would be a shame just to close yourself off in a little filtered bubble.
Рекомендации по теме

When you search or research a certain topic. It can be useful to perform a 2nd search of the same topic by simply adding terms like. "debunked" or "refuted" at the end of your search text. This way you can cross reference opposing ideas and information from each side and make a more informed decision on what side you personally agree with and why.


I break outside the Echo chamber by Googling something random.

And that's how I found hello stranger.


I’ve just been researching filter bubbles and following group chats on Facebook discussing filter bubbles - I’m afraid I’m trapped in a bubble within a bubble...


Such a good and clear explanation. Thanks a lot! Helps a lot.


An interesting and succint exposé that would have been perfect for those of my students who cannot yet focus on something as drawn-out and tricky as a Ted Talk.

Why did you ruin it with those background whistling noises?

Does anyone know a way to filter them out?


This could be more objectively presented. A more widely digestible video would have floated that "concerns of the working class midwest MAY have been or believed their concerns to be rejected" and wouldn't necessarily have limited the idea that only "liberals" believed the democratic candidate would win. Just sayin. I don't think I can responsibly share this one to the echo chamber denizens and properly support the open mindedness I'm striving for.


I am on a mission to watch all of your videos


I'm here because this video was suggested to me.


So...I've come across a few studies that suggest the filter bubble presence in social media is way overstated. There's a paper by Seth Lewis of the University of Oregon School of Journalism about this. This filter bubble controversy seemed suspect to me from the beginning. What's the real agenda behind this? I have my theories.


How would i get out of the echo chamber? its hard to find things from the other point of view.


the truth and why my searching is so spicy


Isn't it up to us to decide what to learn and when to learn it, to be in a bubble or not. You say it's such a shame, but fail to describe why it's a shame.


They are a bad thing, and I had no problem filtering out everything in the Myspace era, I'd manage just fine now without the assistance of big brother and the corporatocracy :D


Everytime I research a new topic I start to see it everywhere. So annoying.


background music = distraction


Basically liberal echo chambers is ok but anything else is not.


This video was trash, I didn't understand anything! GO


Please don't say the "K" word.


Searched for Kristen Allred and got this lol
