FINALLY: Submarine & Anti-Submarine Warfare In DCS (Naval Battle 95) | DCS

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We use SH-60 Seahawks with Mk46 Torpedos and sonar to hunt and destroy Chinese Type 93 submarines which are threatening a US carrier strike group.

0:00 Overview
1:01 Example of ASW in DCS
16:03 ASW Battle 1 Scenario Details
18:30 ASW Battle 1 Planning
21:53 ASW Battle 1 Take Off




THANK YOU TO: Mission Makers, Admin, Staff, Helpers, Donators & Viewers(without which, this could not happen) xx

#GRNavalBattle #DCSNavalBattle #SH60 #Seahawk #Submarine #ASW #Torpedo #AircraftCarrier #Aviation #AviationGaming #FlightSimulators #Military
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I am a former AW (aviation anti-sub warfare Specialist) that has over 2k hrs in SH-60B. This looks so fun! For this to come a game is so complex but awesome job guys! I am addicted. Sub speeds and noise is makes are classified and great job on your detection models. Good job!! Fun...


As a former US Navy submariner I love that this is coming to the game. There are several important things that the game definitely doesn't capture though. Modern (last 40 years) nuclear subs can run dead silent at 20 knots and can run full out at 30 knots plus. The Seawolf class will break 40 knots easily. If a torpedo is dropped in the water anywhere within 3-5 miles then the sub will hear the splash on their passive sonar and know which way to turn to avoid it. Subs know where the thermocline layer(s) (abrupt changes in water temperature and density) are and will dive above and below them to avoid active and passive sonar. Submarine warfare is just as three dimensional as air warfare, just much slower. A sub can be near the surface or near 1000 feet down so your helo sonar search could easily be right over a sub and never see it.

There is a reason whenever the US Navy runs war games between carrier strike groups that the subs end up with the most sinked ships by far.


Cap, this Mod is excellent. But, there is another; the MH-60R by Tanuki44. In addition to ASW ops, it can winch divers up and down, recover pilots from the sea, etc. He's also armed it plus managed an autopilot hover system for ASW dipping. Love for you to check it out and make a video on downloading and using it. Thanks, Mate.


EXCITED - as a career ASW guy (12 years in the SH-60B with some time as an S-3B and SH-60F as well as ASWModule on the Carrier) - I spent my first 10 years actively hunting SOVIET subs in the Pacific. Everything from noisy Type I Soviet nucs to American Los Angeles

Regarding Cap's idea of dropping TWO Mk-46 ?? NOPE - we would never do that, the active sonars might interfere with each other - we would certainly be ready to drop a 2nd if the 1st struck or failed.

And regarding ASW being SLOW - DAMNED RIGHT - I've done missions hunting for a Victor III or Akula where we flew for 12 hours to LOCALIZE the damned boat, then another 8 hours in tracking... (note, the SH-60 flies in roughly 4 hour periods before needing to return to the boat for gas, potty-stop, food, new bouys, and a crew swap after 8 hours).

Another thing - a CVBG used to send a couple FFGs WAY out to the forward flanks with their sonar "tails" to detect and triangulate

OH - also, the SH-60 - the 2nd pilot/ATO (Air Tactical Officer) listened to the SO (enlisted Sensor Operator) because WE were a HELL of a lot more experienced with the ASW mission than anyone other than senior pilots.

SAR capacity of a Seahawk - ummm it ain't 20 - the Bravo could take 2, MAYBE 3 more people and same for the Foxtrot... the cabin is FILLED with the ASW/ESM/Radar equipment.


Small point: SH-60 with a dipping sonar is called an Oceanhawk. Less than 80 built, mostly carrier based.
In naval warfare circles, ASW is called “Awfully Slow Warfare.” For missile guys like me, where the eniter engagement is over in a few minutes, the hours conducting target motion analysis for subs is excruciating.
Sonobouys would make the game more realistic, but you could spend hours just finding the sub.
Also, if the sun is under the thermal incline, active sonar will never see it unless it can dip below it. Sound bends as water temperature get colder until it can’t actually penetrate the colder water.
Most of the sun searching takes place onboard the ship. The SH-60 data is transmitted to the ship via a dedicated comm link called Hawk Link.


I believe older chinese torpedoes had a "snake search" function once the reached their activation point. That's why they're doing that "snake" maneuver at the end.


Heh, you practically modeled a WWII sub with the capabilities described. A good friend of mine was a SSN driver for several years and according to him, current passive sonar with a good operator can hear two minnows f*ck at 20 miles. A few Seahawks dropping sonobuoys can find and triangulate a firing solution on a submerged contact in just a couple of minutes, not to mention provide 360 degree coverage out to 30 miles from the fleet. Surface ships will actively ping to detect submerged contacts within 8 miles with no concern for transmitted sound because a surface battle group isn't exactly stealthy.


I can never recommend enough reading Tom Clancy's novels 'Red Storm Rising' and (of course) 'Hunt for Red October'. For we civilian nerds they really put you in the ASW game, both from the sub and the helos 👍🏻


So modern torpedoes when they turn their active seekers on, they will fan back and forth searching for the target. They won't run in a straight line until their active seekers acquire a target. This is why the pitbull range is important for overall range. If you set the pitbull range too short, it loses overall range because of the waggle. If you stretch the pitbull range longer, it will run straight until the active seeker takes over and it will fan back and forth like that.


Great idea making torpedoes leave a trail, it helps with the visualitzation even if it's "fictitious"


YES! Top marks for this work, TY for prompting this kind of work for DCS <3 <3 <3


Be really cool to have the Romeo AFCS with cable angle control, automatic approach/ depart hover feature…


Try modeling the 2005 naval exercise where a Swedish sub sank a US carrier, 2 torpedos!


I can't wait to see my beloved British CSG up and running in this now with Astute's and Type 26 and Wildcat ASW all up against the Russian equivalent threat. Subs add so much more to the whole picture. Great job guys!!


I would love to see the actual sonar units tethered to the helicopters and actually dipping them in the water. They are pretty big, so it would add another piloting challenge, but it would look really cool. I don't know how good the rope physics would be in DCS though lol


On a "modern" sub, one would NOT use active unless it was to dangerously verify a FCS right before shooting a weapon (e.g. torpedo). Active should be avoided here. Passive with target motion analysis would be the normal approach here.
The problem with a game is that time is compressed. Developing good FC solutions takes TIME, lots of it. Unless the enemy combatant does something really stupid (transients, etc).
As for surface combatants...if the boat is (tactically) deployed correctly...the surface vessel will be a BIG FAT JUICY target.


Can't wait for wolfpack and sub hunter missions. All CH's naval assets will really shine.


I would like to add that torpedos make quite a lot of noise, the subs own passive sonar should pick that (and its direction) up regardless whether the seeker is active or not, although I have no clue at what range. but the same reasoning applies to sub propulsion as it does to aviation - small fast moving propellers (torpedoes) are inefficient and noisy, large slow moving propellers are silent (which is why modern subs have large, weird-shaped props) and rocket propelled torpedoes are even louder. so the torpedo should be passively detectable much further than the sub


The Chinese torpedoes were likely wake homing running a serpentine search pattern. That's why they kept turning and ignored the chopper.


We can't get enough of DCS. We need the S-3, P-3, or P-8. IA or human. S-3 already exists as a tanker, so it may not be that hard.
