The Presidential Election, Failing Higher Education and The End of Everything | Victor Davis Hanson

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Professor Hanson joins John to discuss his new book The End of Everything, as well as the considerable unrest across America in the lead up to the 2024 Presidential election. They unpack the recent turmoil in higher education, and its aggravation due to the unchecked left-wing ideology of those in leadership. They also discuss the unassailable appeal of Trump among Republican voters due to his outsider status and combative persona.

They finish on a discussion of his new book The End of Everything, examining various historical parallels with our time, and the importance of recognizing patterns of decline to prevent another civilisational catastrophe.

In addition to writing hundreds of articles, book reviews and newspaper editorials, Hanson is also the author of twenty-four books and hosts a regular podcast series, 'The Victor Davis Hanson Show'. Hanson was awarded the National Humanities Medal in 2007 by President George W. Bush, and was a presidential appointee in 2007-08 on the American Battle Monuments Commission. His book, The Dying Citizen, was published in October 2021. And his latest book, released on May the 7th this year, The End of Everything, How Wars Descend Into Annihilation.
00:00 Intro
03:26 Trump vs Biden
10:02 Red States vs Blue States
17:49 Military Recruitment
23:50 University Leadership
28:43 Recentering of Young People
32:07 Trump Compared to Other Republicans
38:25 Trump Was Better?
46:00 Jews, Oppressors or Oppressed?
53:11 Is Islamophobia Justified?
57:49 Israel and Hamas
01:01:41 Israel to be Annihilated?
01:07:30 The End of Everything
01:22:06 Outro
Conversations feature John Anderson, former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, interviewing the world's foremost thought leaders about today's pressing social, cultural and political issues.

John believes proper, robust dialogue is necessary if we are to maintain our social strength and cohesion. As he puts it; "You cannot get good public policy out of a bad public debate."

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Have been listening to VDH since covid lockdowns. He’s a gem, brilliant !


Thank you, John, for continuing to interview VDH as the years go by. The conversations the two of you have are a wonderful blessing, and I always appreciate the insights you both share.


I am 28+ thousand days old. I returned from my service in the Republic of Vietnam when Israel won the Seven Days War. You two gentlemen top my list of 'my most admired human beings.' Blessings and Joy to both of you for your ardent pursuit and proclamation of TRUTH!


Victor Davis Hanson speaks softly but he carries a big brain and heart...He deserves to be
heard....The world we are iving in appears to be crumbling before our very eyes


VDH is a genius. I wish we could have people in elected office like him versus the lawyer class we are stuck with.


as an Iranian I could not bear the shame of living under islamic demagogues, so moved to the west some 43 yrs ago, its very painful to see self decline of western world, were we could live in a sane place, we must cherish what the west represent.


"We are decivilizing at home and abroad." Terrifying.


I am soon to be 50 years of age, born in Jerusalem, Israel and migrated to Australia in my late 20s with my (ex) de-facto Aussie female partner.
An Ausraeli by now if you wish.
I feel compelled to express my deepest, most profound gratitude to the esteemed participants in the above dialogue.
In a world turned upside down I cannot emphasize enough how personally moved I feel knowing that righteousness still exists in spite of the deception, chaos and incredibly dangerous, destructive forces currently sweeping throughout the entire world.
Civilization cannot save itself.
Only moral clarity and acts of bravery and sacrifice can.


Awesome interview! The world needs more people with the knowledge of Victor Davis Hanson...👍🇺🇸🇮🇱👍


Anyone can see that Mr. Hanson has something rare in this world: intelligence and integrity. I wish he would run for office, any office. This is the kind of politician we so desperately need.


Victor is a rare cross between an intellectual, common sense and good instincts. We need more Victor's.


Tremendous appreciation for VDH. He is minimally a national treasure.


VDH is a gift of intelligence, experience, and common sense.


Victor Hanson is so correct. Everyone needs to listen to him.


Non-Americans are always surprised to find that the USA is NOT a "Nation" the way they assume. Each State has always been unique, with its own culture and law systems. WE LIKE IT THAT WAY. Each of our States has its own Constitution, its own Flag and its own Name. When I was in school, we were taught about the individual States and their main exports, their main industry, their culture -and even sometimes their local languages. And that was only 45 years ago. How things have changed. The more recent movement (last 30 years) of trying to make us all the same, with the same big box stores on every corner, is being rejected now. It was a very effective PR campaign--many young Americans have no idea that each state is a Free, seperate State. But hopefully the tide is turning and we will return to our original American system of Free, seperate States "federated" with a federal government system which is ONLY charged with defense of the federation, and mediation of interstate commerce.


When I go to the gym I listen to these two fascinating gentleman instead of music.

As I’m working out on my body I feel my mind being excersized by their conversation and exchange. I’m getting the best of both worlds at once!


Brilliant, and a little terrifying, keep it going John I hope you're speaking to the right people in our government. 👍👏🇦🇺


I wish VDH's voice could be heard by ALL Americans.... he could save our country, which is almost lost.


My Drill Sergeant, nicknamed Brute, saw me returning from a sick call. I was strolling along. He took exception with that. He yelled at me and called me a bad name. It hurt my feelings and I scowled at him. He picked up a 12 pound river rock and shotput it at me from about 40 - 50 feet away. It took one bounce and hit me in the thigh. He said, “the next one gonna hurt, Trainee.” I said, “yes Drill Sergeant, ” and began jogging toward the barracks.
I wish all American 18 year old “boys” could have great memories like that. 🇺🇸😆


I greatly admire the intellect, courage and wisdom of Mr. Hanson. I am grateful for this interview and post. God bless you Mr. Hanson and you too Mr. Anderson.
