China’s J-35 Carrier Fighter Appears; Step To ‘Most Powerful Navy'

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In today’s session, we will take a look on the newly China’s J-35 Carrier Fighter, does it a step to the most powerful navy? To answer this question, stay tune at this channel!

China’s Navy has taken another step toward erasing the last advantages that the US Navy enjoys, in the form of the new, stealthy carrier fighter aircraft known as the J-35. It is a fighter jet that China’s military once considered a white elephant appears to have finally secured a role as the country’s newest carrier fighter.

Prior to the introduction of the J-35, the backbone of China’s air force was the J-15 fighter. The J-15 is a reverse-engineered Chinese copy of the Russian Sukhoi Su-33, a fourth-generation fighter which has been thoroughly surpassed by U.S. planes such as the F-22 and F-35.

In fact, the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation has existed as an actual flying platform since 2011, after which it progressed through three major design iterations and several designators (F-60/J-31/ and FC-31) before resurfacing as the J-35 aircraft which features a redesigned wing and an elongated fuselage optimised for a lower radar cross section (RCS).

The J-35’s first public appearance was as the J-31 at the 2014 Air Show China expo. This model was fitted with two underpowered Russian-made engines originally developed for the Mikoyan MiG-29.

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Guess what!The Chinese had just stolen two seats' design of F22 from the U.S. to develop their J-20. Oops, the U.S. didn't have a two seats' version F22 yet.


Hey remember when the Roman Byzantines stole Chinese silkworms? These thing come and go in spurts, Chinese gave us paper and gunpowder too so we don’t need to worry about it.


Correction, the US has not "spent" 1.5 trillion on the F-35. That figure is called a lifetime cost estimate. In other words, the US and all F-35 operators are projected to spend $1.5 trillion over the F-35's 60 year lifespan. That figure is also adjusted for year 2070 inflation rates


Anyone realize that this jet is quite different from the f35. There are other 5th gen proposals that would be called copy's from a visual standpoint. The design philosophy for stealth results in similar platforms. If they did get anything from the f35, the finer workings are what's important. The shape of an aircraft is about the easiest part to figure out for stealth.


When you need to develop defensive systems against your neighbors and others, don't matter how you get the technology...just get it!


I think imitation in this case is pragmatic on the Chinese side given the circumstance that it needs to quickly catch up with the U.S., original designs will cost more money and time while doesn’t guarantee success. What China needs right now is to imitate what others already have and innovate what others don’t have. This is clearly demonstrated through its continuing usage of the Russian flanker airframe design while at the same time developing its own concepts in the case of the anti-ship ballistic missile or the hypersonic orbital bombardment system it just tested recently.


When the Romans came up with catapults, others that were belligerent quickly developed catapults of similar kind!


It is very weird that many people call the new plane "J35" instead of a more likely name: J31. This new carrier fighter is developed from the design of the FC-31. Similar problem to the Type 99A tank, which is used to be called "Type 99A2" for no reason.


You cannot "copy" a US stealth plane. The weight distribution and engine thrust differences makes any "copy" useless for practical purposes. So all this talk about copying or partial theft of the underlying tech is not worth anything at all.


Maybe the US should spend some $$$ on network security.


Just from the similarity in size and outlooks, you conclude it’s a copy of f35, revealing that how you are unprofessional in aeronautics. A big difference in the amount of engines has already a totally important impact on the aircraft design, who studying aeronautical engineering will understand. Z20 is an improvement for the Blackhawk helicopter, which was sold from USA to China in the last century and is a fact.


3000 social credits have been added to you for watching this video.


China: We have made a two seat J-20 stealth fighter.
USA: That design is stolen from us.
China: But you dont have a two seat stealth fighter.
USA: Exactly! you stole it from us and now we dont have it.


我可以告诉你们,根本没有J20, 没有J35,都是电脑CG,别担心,我们爱好和平,我们的目标是星辰大海!


wait till they find out that the F-35 is using Russian VTOL technology lmao


Russian and Iran was working on a similar project over 15years ago


Before J-20 all experts exposed that China is 25 years behind the US fighter technology. 5 years ago the experts have stated that China has no own jet turbine for the fighters - Today China has closed the gap and is even in some technologies advanced (hypersonic and graphene chips). It will be interesting to hear the experts voice coming next.


I really enjoy watching the performances of people who bite their teeth at the rise of China but have no idea what to do, hahaha


Where did China steal the hypersonic cruise missile technology, the us had just failed it’s last attempt developing their own!


The J-15 is based on a Su-33 prototype. The J-15 is NOT the back bone of the PLAAF, rather it is currently the back bone of the PLANAF (the naval aviation)
