Could COOLER Surpass BLACK FRIEZA? #dbs

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If Cooler existed in canon, could he surpass Frieza?

#DragonBallSuper #dbz #dragonball
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By default he surpasses Frieza via his sheer drip


Remember kids.

The longer Toriyama keeps him out of canon, the more powerful he will be when he finally becomes canon


If you ask me, i believe the training he done was to control his power at 100% without suffering the muscular form of Frieza only that he found a way to get more power and inadvertently found himself in the 5th form


He would get a great redesign if he was in a super


"I am the strongest in the universe"


I believe Cooler is a mutant like his father and brother but his genes are either latent or potentially repressed on purpose, it's not hard to believe Cooler was born with unstable latent power since he managed to surpass his races physical limits with 5th form


Imagine during the Black Frieza saga once they defeat him they hear a voice laughing from above and there stands Cooler in his 5th form telling them “You should feel honored, I’ve been training my whole life to be the one to kill Frieza. Since he’s dead now you’ll get to see my full power instead” transforming into his Black form on top of his 5th form as darkness envelopes the sky


i imagine him taking his training seriously while frieza is too cocky and didn’t train

so throughout the events of the franchise, cooler was just training somewhere in the universe


Cooler is a mutant. He isn’t described as one because he doesn’t exist in the canon, therefore he isn’t mentioned in it.


What if Cooler turned good reference is wild


Here’s the thing.

If Cold had two kids but only one successor that means there would have had to be a fight for who would get to be that successor.

It would be an interesting character point if Cooler was the one person Freeza spared. When Freeza was younger he was much nicer a person and it’s only Cold’s abuse that changed him into being what he is today.

My point being. Freeza is around 90 years old maybe much older. That’s over 70 years Cooler has had to train to get stronger


He may not be as strong as his brother but he’ll still be Cooler.


What if Yamacha and Yajoribi trained in time chamber during Saiyan saga


I think he would be able to surpass because his potential might grow from the jump as he trains and gets stronger and he could be more focused on it maybe Frieza will surpass at times but Cooler might be able to find ways to bridge the gap and be on top again.


Cooler and Frieza having a arc would be super interesting.


Incorrect. King Cold and his CHILDREN are mutants. Aka Cooler too.


In super dragon ball heroes, he literally just decided to achieve the golden form he didn't even actually train for it, and before you say it's not canon, neither is cooler and it's also never specified how long he trained for it could have been years, months, weeks, hours, minutes. It's never specified.


He would if he used the Hyperbolic Time Chamber like Frieza did. Plus, we know he’s gonna progress faster than he should due to his sheer force of will.


I have an idea how they could make Cooler canon: he was locked in the room of time all his life where he trained, and he is the one who trained frieza and helped him get his golden form. But after learning that his brother has been defeated again in his black form, he decides to go and defeat the Sayans with his own hands.

And also what I had as an idea is how to make a cooler "cooler" is that he doesn't have to transform into gold or black form to be stronger than black frieza. He only needs his fifth form because he is simply cooler that frieza.


Statements about the amount of mutants in the “Frieza Race” (canon name of the species btw) shouldn’t be applied to Cooler because he isn’t canon, he is a mutant like Frieza and their Father, it makes literally no sense otherwise, and also Cooler existed LONG before Gold and Black Frieza were even possibly an idea Toriyama had (maybe something like Golden Frieza, but definitely not Black), if Gold and even Black Frieza were a thing back then, Cooler likely would have had those forms and been stronger than Frieza, unfortunately unlike Broly, Cooler didn’t stick as well, particularly in Japan, which is the only demographic Shueisha and Toei actually care about (that’s also why we rarely get any big Dragon Ball stuff btw, it’s not as popular in Japan, which is a dumb reason but whatever), so we probably won’t see any Cooler content unless we get REALLY lucky
