FARM XUR ASAP! New EXOTIC Glitch, GOD ROLL Catalyst SALE & Trials Of Osiris LOOT Mar 7! Destiny 2

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Destiny & Destiny 2 Are First-Person Open World Shooters, where players can gather together to destroy the forces of darkness, that caused a great collapse of our civilization. Travel to Venus, Mars, the Moon, and the Rings of Saturn, as we fight to restore Earth to it's Golden Age. Destiny 2 SUNDERED DOCTRINE! BUNGIE! XUR'S BEEN UPDATED & NEW EXOTIC LOOT! Catalysts, Exotics, Engrams Armor Heresy Sundered Doctrine Dungeon WORLD FIRST RACE Lodestar Catalyst NOW GLITCH, Marval Rivals, Solo Dungeon Entrance to First Encounter - New Sundered Doctrine Dungeon, GLITCH MAX REP RANK + SIGIL SHARDS + EXOTIC SCRIPTUREs Heresy Destiny 2 HERESY IS HERE Update Star Wars Collaboration Secret Adept Loot, Servers issues, All Season Pass Rewards Seasonal Challenges Artifact Mods Power CRAFT FAST Vault of Glass Red Border Farm NETHER CHEESE HEALING GLITCH, Weekly Reset, New Titles, Secret Quests, Rewards, Patch Notes Today, 2025 Refresh, Vendor Updates, NEW HERESY QUESTS & BONUS LOOT! Challenge, New Secrets Featured Exotics & Updates! Weekly Reset & 1 Minute Vault of Glass Red Border Farm! Episode Heresy All Season Pass Rewards & Seasonal Challenges Insane Nether Healing Glitch & Cheese, Destiny 2 Heresy New Story Info, New Exotic, YOU SHOULD BUY THIS, DO NOT miss this today AT THE TOWER ASAP! Raid Loot Garden of Salvation, Instant Red Boarders, THE BEST SUPER Exotic Sandbox Changes, DOUBLED REWARDS! New Iron Banner Weapons, Call Of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies, Xur Glitch, Marvel Rivals Destiny 2 Vault of Glass Farming is Broken Do This ASAP, Insane Tormentor Solo Kill Glitch Nether Boss Bubble, All God Rolls Destiny 2 Heresy BROKEN Weapons Tips The Nether EASY CRAFT THESE FAST 1 MIN Vault of Glass Red Border Farm best weapon rolls of Heresy Bolt Charge Titan aspect TWID, Destiny 2 Heresy: Secret Quest Item, Disabled Loot List, XUR Changes, New Armor, Nether Update, Apollo Timeline, New Land Beyond, Sundered Doctrine Trailer, Destiny 2 Eververse Exotic Quest Destiny 2 Heresy Barrow Dyad EXOTIC WEAPON GLITCH MAX REP RANK SIGIL SHARDS EXOTIC SCRIPTURES SAVATHUN’S WARNING, Bungie is Giving FREE SILVER, NEW Enemy. Heresy & Frontier's Updates, Bolt Charge new Titan aspect. SUNDERED SECRETS! Hidden Agents, New Rewards and Nether Changes, Destiny 2 XUR UPDATE NEW LOOT Catalysts BEST DPS EXOTIC IN GAME ON SALE, Iron Banner, It's Leaving Do Now, You NEED Bolt Charges, ALL Exotic Weapon Changes Bungie D2 Bug Glitch, BIG Trials Changes Today MASSIVE TRIALS RE-WORK NEW TRIALS Revamp 2020 Power Lighthouse for all New EXOTIC Mission Sundered Doctrine Glitch, NEW Heresy Content THIS WEEK, Dreadnaught Mission, Iron Banner Loot Fixes, Exotic Drops, Reward, Known Issues Episode Heresy Weekly Reset, FINAL SHAPE GUIDES & NEWS! Destiny 2 Huge Iron Banner Bug! Bungie Responded, NEW HERESY Story Mission QUEST, EVERVERSE Exoitc Loot! God Roll is AMAZING, Game Breaking UNLIMITED BOLT CHARGE GLITCH, INFINITE BOONS NETHER GLITCH, Finality's Auger Farm, Xur Has an S-Tier Exotic, Class Glaive/Swords BUG, Palindrome Returns & Sundered Doctrine Contest Mode Re-Enabled Xur Review, XUR'S NEW WEAPONS & EXOTIC LOOT! Catalysts, Exotics, Engrams & Armor, Destiny 2 New LOOT UPDATE HERESY REFRESH Curio Of The Nine Exotic Farm, NO LAND BEYOND, INSANE DPS Combo Iron Banner, Handheld Supernova, Warlord's Spear GODROLL Bolt Charge Cheese Glitch, Destiny 2 MISSING LOOT SECRET PUZZLE! Heresy Game Breaking Solo Flawless Sundered Doctrine Instant Kill Dungeon Boss Glitch Cheese,, After Half a Decade Palindrome is Back, Farm NEW Adept Palindrome FAST, Marvel Rivals, F1, Destiny 2 GOD TIER DPS EXOTIC FOR SALE NOW MUST BUY Xur Review, Lord Of Wolves Catalyst February Xur in 1 minute, Trials Of Osiris Loot Update Heresy Solo Flawless Sundered Doctrine Dungeon Glitch Cheese, Bungie, , Monster Hunter Wilds, Destiny 2 INSANE Trials Of Osiris Double Storm's Keep vs Icebreaker Spirit of the Filaments Build Battles Weird Tricks SECRET Meta Glaive BROKEN God Roll sundered doctrine, Destiny 2 DUNGEON PANTHEON & Heavy Metal MECH PVP MODE, Right Of The Nine Adepts, Heresy Finishing With Court Of Blades, Darkblade Weapons, Grandmaster Nightfall, DUNGEON PANTHEON & MECH MODE! Court of BLADES, Darkblade, Weapons, Events! RITE OF THE NINE Adept Weapons! Brig Vs. Tank Mode and Act 2 Reveal Heresy Act II Looking CRAZY Bungie Developer Livestream, Destiny 2 Redrix's Estoc & Hunters NERFED, Guardian Games 2025 Destiny 2 XUR'S EXOTIC LOOT & RARE ARMOR! Catalysts, Weapons, Engrams & Armor 7th March GOD ROLL SWORD FOR SALE NOW! Xur Review Mar 7 - 10, Xur in 1 minute,

#destiny2 #lightfall #Xur #TrialsOfOsiris #heresy #RitesOTheNine #SunderedDoctrine #Nightfall
Рекомендации по теме

How do you guys feel about Trials nowadays?

Me personally the biggest issues have been the hunter smoke bomb, and matchmaking. Thankfully they are nerfing the smoke but the matchmaking, at least for me, is complete crap. For some reason 80% of the time I get paired up with people with less than 1.0Kd, then I’m fighting people that are on average 2-4.0Kd (I’m usually 1-2Kd). I don’t know what they did but the way matchmaking has been lately I just can’t deal with trials anymore, it’s making me seriously thinking and looking into a trials carry service…it’s that bad.


About skyburner oath when there was antibarrier scout it was bugged and couldn't shoot through the barrier. You could do that only by removing antibarrier scout from the artifact


Skyburner's still penetrates phalanx shields as far as I know. The beauty of this weapon is that it 1) Has almost no damage drop off at practically any range. 2) Spreads Scorch like crazy when hip-fired, which is how this weapon should be used. The hitboxes for lobbing hipfires are huge so you barely have to aim.

If you're on a Warlock and rocking Dawn Chorus with Ember of Ashes, you're just lighting up everything in front of you and ignites popping off like popcorn. This weapon should not be underlooked.


Skyburner used to work on the cabal shields now it doesnt


2:09 yes, you could shoot through them with skyburners


it is indeed destabilizing repulsor, gives you great add clear and tankiness. will likely be the best energy rocket sidearm, aberant was the other one that was competing but no need to even reload for the survival stuff on lotus eater


Skyburner used to pierce cabal shields and when hipfired, it had mild homing on projectiles. It was such a good gun. No idea why they changed it so much. Far as I know it was never really popular and certainly not gamebreaking.


None of those exotics are really "In" the meta at the moment. Jade Rabbit is pretty good in crucible, but I'd never think to use it in pve.


I got bored of the titan arc builds and went back to playing prismatic consecration build but this time using spirit of severance and point contact for the exploding lightning since it got nerfed and it’s actually still pretty sick


If you are good at predicting ricothet, and want t osuptress that pesky corner sniper, hardlight is amazing, double damage on ricochet hits, hugh rate of fire, i use it in pvp all the time


You will still only see the class specific sword in that slot. So hunters will see hunter sword and so on


I have a GM clear posted with a Citans Ramparts build if yall wanna use that from Xur


Ur talking about the witness cheese. One caveat to it. I have die in order for it to work. Either ex diris or two tailed fox. U fire either one then die then the game lets it through. Do note its takes awhile for it to work.


I believe it does, love it for no fall off in damage, good go to for my warlock


Happy Saturday! At Xur, Hunters see Quickfang, and Titans see Crown-Splitter. #sinster #xur.


Yea I loved shooting thru those large Cabal shields, Now it's a useless paper weight


The think for the cabal shields doesn't work for me any more ether.


Need to be solar/radiant to have anti-barrier effect on the Skyburner's Oath


From what I remember yes they did, but they were bugged I believe. I also think It was pretty goated too BITD,

As far as Jade rabbit it is my Comp and Trials go to, consistent 3 tap from full shields works well with prismatic being a kinetic


They also took away Skyburner's ability to shoot seeking rounds.
