First Signs of ORAL CANCER & Causes|ORAL CANCER AWARENESS MONTH-Dr. Nishath Sabreen| Doctors' Circle

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Dr. Nishath Sabreen | Phone 📞 9945126176 (Online & in-person appointment can be booked online or by call)| | Registration No: 29603 A Karnataka State Dental Council, 2012
Consultant Maxillofacial and Head Neck Oncology | Aesthetica Veda, Koramangala, Bangalore India
Oral Cancers are very much prevalent in this part of the world and the reason being that there has been a lot of stigma fear lack of screening and awareness around oral cancer. Oral cancer generally is habit induced. But there are being reports for oral cancers without habit so these are could be because of a non-healing ulcer because of jagged tooth which is causing a traumatic ulcer could be because of a viral as well as habit induced. Oral cancers can be definitely treatable and preventable provided the diagnosis happens at the earliest. Staging of oral cancer has a significant impact on the prognosis of the disease. Oral cancers are definitely preventable and they can be cured provided the screening happens as many times and at earliest. A lot of early signs of oral cancers are visible in the oral cavity like present of red or white patches, presence of a non-healing ulcer, traumatic ulcer or also a mobility of the tooth which is otherwise normal or healthy. These are the initial signs which oral cancer presents with most of these can be at the earliest treatable and addressed. Oral cancers are tobacco induced any form of smoke and smokeless form of tobacco can cause oral cancers over a period of time. Habit profile is very important and patients with habit profile should mandatorily get screening done. This World Oral Cancer Day I would like to bring in a simple message or cancers are treatable and definitely preventable provided there has been enough awareness across and there's been good screening done everybody requires screening for oral and head and neck cancers is just that with tobacco habit and a habit profile. It is mandatory to get a screening done at its earliest and definitely treatable and curable in case of diagnosis of oral cancer.

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मेरा 2 month से chick बाइट होता था डेंटिस्ट से मिलने के बाद मुझे मेडिसिन दीया गया है लेकिन ठिक नही हुआ। फिर बाद में मेरे teeth को घिस दिया गया है। लेकिन फिर अब निगलते समय गाल teeth के बिच में आ रहा है,
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