♫ Η ACS Είναι Ένα Μάτσο Ανίκανοι ♫

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Καταπληκτική μεταφορική, 11/10, μπράβο στα παιδιά. Βγάζει πολύ νόημα να μην χτυπήσετε ποτέ κουδούνι και μετά να στείλετε πίσω την κούτα μου σε άλλη χώρα, ναι, όντως.
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I hate to air out my personal grievances but- oh well, that's a lie, I've been doing that ever since I started uploading on this channel. Sorry if this song comes off as petty: it totally is, but what is there left to do but make a joke of it? If anyone cares, I'll record an English version.

To make a long story short, a large chunk of my belongings were lost because it seems that these days, courier companies (and a Greek one in particular) are absolutely worthless at their job. I come dangerously close to doxxing myself with this video, but I don't even care at this point. At least you can hear me singing in my native language for once, and discover some of that deep CrazyCod lore that nobody's been clamoring for.

Subtitles are up, of course, for those who want to follow along. As always, stay safe and keep your head up kings, even if you're stuck in the wage cage for now. Thanks a million for listening, and I'll see you again soon.


Very nice I didn’t know you were Greek but this is a good surprise and a great song


I’m loving this song and agree with the sentiments. Fuck ‘em and shame on them. Also, your videos are always bangers. Thank you.


i am going through this exact scenario with a courier company right now. i feel this in my soul


shipping companies have the fantastic power to fuck up the most simplest of tasks i had an order bounce around all of germany for 6 fucking months. i would bet money mail was more reliable in the fucking 1800s


Did you receive your package eventually pal? Sorry this happened, but yeah, it seems all around the world courier companies try their best to do their worst.


Χαχα κι οτι μου συνεβη ακριβως το ιδιο. Κανενα τηλεφωνο και το αντικειμενο εχει παει Βουλγαρια για καποιο λογο.
