BLEEDING EDGE | Makutu Guide - Abilities, Supers, Tips & Tricks

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Here's your guide to Makutu in Bleeding Edge - Supers, Specials, Tips & Tricks. Thanks to Ninja Theory for sponsoring this series.

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Not gonna lie I was initially much less interested in him, but seeing the breakdown of how he works makes me super excited to try him out. I look forward to playing tomorrow, can't wait!!!


Honestly I think every character in this game should have a launcher and hold attacks like Makutu does. The base combat would feel more dynamic this way.


I'm super happy about this character. Being Polynesian myself I love seeing them represented in gaming. He might be my personal favorite tank. So I have two characters already I want to learn and play when this game launches. These videos are really helpful for me since I always like to learn as much as I can about a character before diving in and playing.


Hell yeah! More Bleeding Edge coverage please!


Best character
When I play him I feel like the enemy team struggles to kill me even when its 3 v 1


Thank you for finally doing this character 😆 he’s my favorite


fun protips: repel can parry some melee abilities like shift strike from daemon and blade tornado from bastardo
also, the cooldown reduction on his melee attacks mod activates for every tick you do vs enemies, so slap away


I hope the performance is improved on PC by release.


The choice of adding a knockback AOE on a tank that can only engage in melee feels a little odd, but wow, I love his flavor and mechanics! Tanks with some healing (or healers with some tankiness) are some of my favorite heroes to play, but even the non-tank/healer stuff seems super fun, like the slapping and bodyslamming.


In this game all the characters are fun to play, watching this gameplay made me want to play with Makutu


He tama kaha wenei!! He pakarai te io, he wawahi te tangata kino!!


Everyone looks like a middle schoolers textbook doodles and I love it


Post launch, I came here to say that Makutu is my fav tank! 😎


Added a mod that increases his stance healing by 30%, it made him way more of a tank


Makutu, is probably & literally the Perfect Tank... although he does lack alil damage towards his Special Moves & Supers... However, his Fist Fight unique Slaps and Uppercut is already perfect in damage pairing his Basic Abilities with ( Barge & Repellent ) he still does some good damage when against Melee fighters, since you wanna always be on Ori Stance against melee fighters *Makutu will literally Tank them all at once specialy with any Healer behind your back* 👌🏼🔥 His Fist Fight mechanic is also unique to himself, if all characters had the same mechanic this would turn the tide of Battle almost by a large margine 😅.... Makutu's also has the Highest HP character as a Tank i think 1200 is his base ( With the help of Ori/Pepeke Stance and also Healthy/Leg-it, he's quite the Tank since only Makutu & Buttercup are the only 2 Characters in BE that they dont Flinch at all by Melee Attacks ) El-Bastardo still flinches but only when he has the Support shield he doesnt Flinch by being Comboed with all the Melee Characters lol... Solid Fun character indeed, i'd say Makutu is the Best porbabil Tank if mastered correctly 👍🏼


I tried liking this game but with out a team you’re going to lose if you have 1 bad team mate 100% of the time


Just in time for the beta I cannot wait


I have mained him and so far I have been having fun with the right mods you can hold your own on 3v1 I have done it multiple times but at the same time it’s best to be near your team cause also with the right mods you can heal them and hurt the enemy team as well he’s really good if you know what your doing I literally tanked 18k damage in a game and went 8-0


Now that the game is out on console and pc will you be doing more content on it as my friends and I have lost our minds playing this awesome game


I’m both loving and hating this’s fun but maybe cause I’m playing with randoms but it’s hard to keep the team all together or a had a healer not heal me but also took the health on the map 🙄 so I died with quarter health and they got backup after I died
