Burcu Ozberk îs a very beautiful and talented actress and we love her. May GOD protect her.❤ Ana-MariaPopescu-nt
Burcu Ozberk îs a very beautiful and talented actress and we love her. May GOD protect her.❤
Cagla is the one that messed everything up for them lol.. It’s always the rich psychopathic girl 😂 FutureXXD
Cagla is the one that messed everything up for them lol.. It’s always the rich psychopathic girl 😂
Çağla married Ozan, when Esra needed him. ozgeyagz
Çağla married Ozan, when Esra needed him.
But Çınar and Esra were just friends, except that Çınar likes Esra. ozgeyagz
But Çınar and Esra were just friends, except that Çınar likes Esra.