WPL B36KM and B24 6x6 build messin around.

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Well I put it off for too long and now my backyard looks like a jungle after days of rain fueled the weeds growth. So I decided let's have some Military truck camo action lol. Hope you enjoy! Giveaway of the MN Model MN99 will be announced soon, sorry for taking so much time. Been really busy lately but I should have a winner announced vid up soon! Thanks again for all your support and don't forget to hit that Subscribe and bell icon to get notifications on my next videos and giveaways!
More coupon codes on sweet RCs some I have reviewed and some you have to do your own research on:
Spec List:
2speed gearbox
V3 sound kit esc with transmitter
10 wheel metal wheels(not a official wpl part)
RBR/C winch
B24ZH Turned 6x6
180 size motor
V2 Sound kit esc with transmitter
Check out the official wpl website as well for support, pdf manuals and sales at WPL-RC.COM
RBR/C winch:
WPL Winch:
WPL B36 kit:
WPL v2 Sound kit/transmitter petrol(gas)version:
WPL v2 Sound kit (petrol board only):
10 wheel upgrade:
Mn 99:
Metal upgrade op parts:
Military blue RTR MN 96:
Military tan RTR MN 96:
RTR MN d90:
Kit MN d90:
#RunThatRC #WPL #MilitaryTrucks
More coupon codes on sweet RCs some I have reviewed and some you have to do your own research on:
Spec List:
2speed gearbox
V3 sound kit esc with transmitter
10 wheel metal wheels(not a official wpl part)
RBR/C winch
B24ZH Turned 6x6
180 size motor
V2 Sound kit esc with transmitter
Check out the official wpl website as well for support, pdf manuals and sales at WPL-RC.COM
RBR/C winch:
WPL Winch:
WPL B36 kit:
WPL v2 Sound kit/transmitter petrol(gas)version:
WPL v2 Sound kit (petrol board only):
10 wheel upgrade:
Mn 99:
Metal upgrade op parts:
Military blue RTR MN 96:
Military tan RTR MN 96:
RTR MN d90:
Kit MN d90:
#RunThatRC #WPL #MilitaryTrucks