Build and Deploy an AI-Powered 3D Website Using React | 2024 Three JS Course Tutorial for Beginners

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Many large corporations already use 3D graphics to showcase their products. Learn how to build your own ThreeJS 3D product website and infuse it with the power of artificial intelligence!

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📚 Materials/References:

@AndersonMancini's content:

In this course, you'll learn the following:
- ThreeJS - a powerful 3D graphics library for rendering and animating the 3D model
- React Three Fiber - a popular library for creating 3D graphics with ThreeJS in React
- TailwindCSS - a popular utility-first CSS styling framework
- Framer Motion - the most popular library used to bring your React website to life with animations
You'll also learn how to:
- Load, create and customize stunning 3D models and geometries with various lights, as well as understand the 3D world with a camera and positioning of an object in space.
- Make your code reusable and scalable using Higher Order Components (HOCs) and other industry-standard best practices
- Add custom color and file support.
- Generate and use images through DALLE AI
- Download the resulting t-shirt model image
- Ensure responsiveness across all devices and improve your site's performance

👇 Time Stamps:
00:00:00 Intro
00:08:51 Setup
00:20:37 Homepage
00:36:49 Customizer
00:48:01 3D Canvas
00:56:02 ThreeJS Camera
01:07:05 ThreeJS Lighting
01:23:49 Color Picker
01:27:01 File Picker
01:46:23 AI Backend
01:59:12 AI Dalle Picker
02:12:24 Deployment
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holy moly! This is amazing. Web development nowadays is just on another level


in less than 3 months you've become my favorite developer on youtube. You literally transformed my development life and my portfolio is filled with most of your projects. I'm so excited to start this and I hope I'll be able to pay you for all you've done in my life. I love you a lot and God bless you.


❤❤❤ loved to be referenced here. My jewelry project is getting famous heheh. Thank you very much.


If this doesn't get me a job, I'm sure nothing will. This is top-notch!


You saved hours of my life researching for three.js, I can't thank you enough for sharing this fantastic content, love you


Holy crap. This is amazing. I love you JM, please do more kind of tutorials like these but with MERN 🙏🙏


I can't believe how captivated I am by this masterpiece. I've only watched the first 5 minutes and I'm already feeling an overwhelming sense of excitement to see the rest. You are truly amazing! Your presentation of this work is nothing short of extraordinary, and I have been eagerly anticipating it for months.


OMG! I can't thank you enough for sharing such great content with us for ASBOLUTELY FREE!!!


Better than my university courses. There goes my weekend. My friends are going out to the movies and the beach but ill be right here learning, growing, and expanding my skill set. Thank you so much for sharing you wisdom with us


I have never seen such projects on YouTube. First of all, your voice is so amazing. Your way of explaining is next level. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.❤❤


I am currently on a cash crunch but especially enable ads on your tutorial channel and I also don't skip ads, that's my way of saying a "Thank You".

You're helping so many people from developing countries, including mine (India)


You nailed it! I can't explain how amazing this tutorial is! Please enlighten us with more & more contents like this ❤


This is amaing, as a freelancer I can add more value to client after this. you are amaing.


Thank you so much, I always wanted to get started with threejs and this tutorial definitely helped me to finally do it. I've just completed this project and added the missing button and it look STUNNING! thank you so much for this!


Hi! I just want to Thank you for every single tutorial.❤

One more thing that will make your projects 100% complete is showing us how to use the login/signup system in these AI apps so that we can also gather user data and can fully land it with real-time users.

Thanks Again.


If anyone is having issues deploying the server on render, you need to add the following lines in in your package json file:
"engines": {
"node": ">=14 <15"
just above the last closing } bracket. It worked for me and the server is getting deployed on render


This is amazing stuff bro, can’t wait to dive in and code alongside you


I'll be trying this video shortly and I hope it works, it was exactly what I was looking for, for the AI. The show room at the start and car website looked awesome to. Thank you for providing this via YouTube


This man never fails to blow my mind!!!! Thank you so much Adrian!!!


The undisputed king is back again with another amazing project. Thank you so much.
