Urban Transitions Alliance - Turku Challenge Introduction Webinar: Inclusive Roadmap Design

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As part of the Circular Turku project, Turku is working with ICLEI and regional stakeholders to identify opportunities for action and policy interventions across five priority sectors: food, transport and logistics, water, buildings and construction and energy. The aim is to support these sectors in transitioning to consumption and production patterns that minimize waste and emissions and decrease demand for primary resources. It is a priority of the city to ensure that any intervention across these sectors prioritizes social equity. This means ensuring that residents affected are engaged to co-design and implement the roadmap and that effects on resource access and employment are closely monitored and planned for in an inclusive manner. The webinar looks at 3 successful cases from the US-cities of Baltimore and Buffalo and from Ghent (Belgium) where social equity criteria have been incorporated into resource planning. Key questions are how all local communities can be engaged in a creative way, and how equity indicators can be identified, incorporated and monitored.
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