Billy & Jo Finally Get to Review the Priscilla Movie

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We are back! Welcome back again this week to EFM: Elvis Fans Matter! Today, Billy and Jo review the Priscilla movie.
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She wouldn't of done this movie if elvis was still here She wouldn't dare ❤


Prissy is all about the money and she acts like she's better then the Presleys but she's still riding that name love you guys and glad you're back ..don't care what comes out about Elivs I will always love him


I never watched it and don’t plan to 😊
So glad you’re back ❤


her and Elvis divorced in 73 why didn’t she make the movie then when he was there to defend himself, glad his family is defending him, thanks for your honesty and standing up for your cousin Elvis. Fr Canada 🇨🇦


Nice to see you both back. I think Jo is right about the class distinction. Priscilla went Hollywood and didn't want to associate with Elvis' kin anymore. For some reason for a person who has lived off the Presley name for all these years she thinks she's better than everyone else. Priscilla has made a career out of playing the victim.


Welcome back Billy and Jo and hello Danni ! Elvis would be mad as hell that P treat you this way. He not only came from the same tracks but he was your blood and always included you.

Seems to me P only enjoys the fame and money Elvis the Performer brought her life otherwise she wouldnt have divorced him. And she has lived off his name since his death. Shame on her!


Glad EFM is back! I am also happy to learn that Elvis had no intention of reuniting with Priscilla. Many Elvis peeps have said that Elvis’s biggest regret was not getting back together with her. The million dollar question is finally answered-thank you!


If Priscilla would have really loved Elvis, she would have never written "Elvis and me", at least not the way she did. I read it back because of Coppola's movie and noticed all the lies she wrote, like pretending that she would have met Stone only in 1972. But what hurts the most is about how she felt when Elvis proposed : "our love would no longer be a secret" (it's never been) "the many girls who were auditioning for my role were over" (as if she was herself playing a role from the day she met (or asked to meet) Elvis, and still is now).


I appreciate you both and your honesty. Elvis wasn't perfect but he was also a kind man.


Thank you Jo for being considerate * not telling her secrets, as we all know how us women discuss our spouse with friends. Wish PP had the integrity that you possess! In the end, God knows the truth & don't let her denying your friendship bother you. You are an awesome lady!


All us Elvis fans know u all r telling the true facts and we thank you all. ❤❤


Maybe the movie should have been titled Revenge of a scorned wife!


WELCOME BACK Billy and Jo !!!
Danielle, You did a Wonderful job for Billy and Jo while they were unable to do the podcast.


I'm fed up with the false portray of that poor Priscilla victim of an unfaithfull Elvis : she had affairs with married men when she was married, she was cheating on Mike Stone when she was still supposed to live with him, she left him for a married man, and even the father of her son was already married. How a female director could portray her as a victim ?


There's only one positive thing about that movie : it reminded that the world admires Elvis, not his ex wife


Per Priscilla voi eravate persone troppo semplici come Elvis, lei voleva conoscere persone molto altolocate lei a quei tempi avrebbe voluto che Elvis l'aiutasse a diventare una grande attrice, e non capiva e non capisce che la sua fortuna e per la luce di Elvis e non per la sua luce, lei senza Elvis Presley non sarebbe nessuno.


So glad you are doing better Mr. Billy and so glad they you and Mrs. Jo are back


Honestly there isn't many people in this world as genuine and honest as Billy and Jo Smith Love them. Feel like I've known them all my life and I only met them a few times I totally agree on there opinion on the both movies that's exactly how those movies came across with me and I've never met Elvis in my life.
Keeping Billy in my prayers.


I am so happy to see y'all back. Priscilla didn't want to add people who know the truth. I have family members who have selective memory😉 justlike she does. I Love y'all and love the fact that you tell it like it was. The good the bad and the ugly. Y'all rock and have my upmost respect. ✌️❤️🙏🏼Danielle did an awesome job keeping us updated and keeping the channel in the groove. Thank you, Danielle ❤


I saw the movie online. I was bored out of my mind. I literally had to force myself to watch to the end. I'm so glad you two are back. Such nice folks. You have a lovely granddaughter. She kept things going very well. God bless and be well all of you.
