ASMR 4 HOURS INAUDIBLE READING (super clicky whispering, word tracing, page turning)

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Happy New Year, Lovelies!

I hope you had a good end to 2023, and I wish you nothing but the best in 2024. ❤️

Sorry I've been quiet recently, it was a very busy holiday period and I'm now a bit under the weather (just a cold, but it makes filming a bit tricky when I'm coughing and sneezing into my blue yeti)!! So, for your prolonged relaxation, this is a four hour compilation of my latest inaudible/unintelligible whispered reading videos, including tingly word tracing and page turning. I really hope it relaxes you and helps you get a good night sleep - you deserve it! 🤗

Thank you so much for watching and sweetest dreams. ✨

📚 Videos included:

About Me:

Hello lovely humans and welcome, welcome, welcome to my ASMR channel.

I was really poorly during the last few months of 2019, and it was while I was in hospital that I discovered ASMR (really late to the party, I know). It gave me so much comfort, blocking out the very loud and lonely nights on my ward, so I’m very grateful to it. I hope to give you similar comfort through my videos.

Sending you all lots of love and good thoughts,

Molls 🌝
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