iPhone Thinks I Have Headphones Plugged In - How To Fix

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iPhone Thinks I Have Headphones Plugged In - How To Fix

Hey guys this is Apple Fox here back again with another video. So Here in this video I want to discuss something that happened to me in recent past. A very interesting issue that could easily happen to you as well. And I'll be showing you a way how to fix it. So let's get started.

Now what exactly is the issue? Well maybe it happened to you already, maybe you found this video because you want to know what to do in a situation like this. Basically your iPhone thinks there are headphones plugged in but in reality there is nothing connected to the iPhone.

It happened to me couple weeks ago, I'm using the iPhone 7 as my daily driver but that one doesn't feature a headphone jack. It occured with the iPhone 6 I think, yes it was the iPhone 6 and I had to solve the problem somehow. And I decided to make a video about it becuase it can happen to you as well, and I wanted to let you know what I did.

Because your phone thinks there are headphones, it also behaves like they would be plugged in. What does it mean that it behaves like that? So when you want to play some audio, doesn't matter if it's music or anything else, you won't hear it becuase the built in speaker doesn't get involved at all. Also when you're making a phone call with someone don't expect to hear what they're saying. You may also notice a little icon at the bottom of the lockscreen, on the left side. It can be music or photos, it's basically an app that you use the most when you plug the headphones in. So your iPhone suggests you this app even if there isn't anything connected.

Once you know that the fault is in the heaphone jack, you'll probably look for a service to repair it. But hold on. A brand new headphone jack could cost you more than 50 bucks in authorized service and this expensive replacement isn't probably even needed.

So what should you do? The absolutely first thing to do is to restart the phone. It's recommended to make sure that there isn't anything going on in terms of the software. It's even good to restart it twice just to be completely sure that it's not a software issue. Now when you notice the same weird things happening after restarting then you need to do this.

First of all you need to understand the problem and how the headphone jack works. So inside the hole, there are like small metal balls that stick out. When you put the earpods in, your phone goes into headphones mode and behaves the way mentioned earlier. But when you take them out, one of the balls doesn't stick out because there is a dirt or dust that won't let the balls stick back out. And that's the reason why your phone still thinks there is something plugged in.

So how do you fix it? Some people advise using a hairdryer, or compressed air in order to blow the stuff out of there. This might or might not work. What 100% worked for me was a simple paper clip. Or something similar and sharp like that. You just stick it in and twist it around, trying to find the little piece of dirt causing you all these problems. Don't worry it's not as bad as it seems, it can take some abuse for sure but don't try to destroy it. It's like picking you nose to be honest. And once you find the pice of dirt, then your iPhone should work properly

So that's it guys. I really wanted to make this video, because it's an issue that occurs often to iPhone users and I wanted to help those people out. So thanks for watching hopefully I helped you. In case you're not having this problem then you'll know what to do if it happens in the future. Anyways have a great day and see you next time.
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It would help if I could hear the video


Bruh, you realize the people watching this can’t hear u right 😂😂


Bro I’m wearing my headphones just to hear u😂😂


my speaker works when i go to play a ringtone in the settings but as soon as i exit the settings it goes back to headphone mode


Why does Apple not have a button to switch from headphones to ring tone to Apple needs more vision.


Did anyone else feel like their iOS was broken and u were sad because u didn’t know to fix it and just went to do something else and felt like crying. I KNOW IM NOT THE ONLY ONE


Weird thing is I was having this problem and I searched for this video on my phone without realizing that that was dumb because I wouldn’t be able to hear it, but upon clicking it started to work 👍


I dropped my phone in water for a second and now it thinks headphones are plugged in xD


Seriously. Three minutes to tell me to stick a paper clip in the headphone jack to dislodge dirt? SMMFH.


- Let me turn on my captions, to understand this video 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️😂


One minute I was watching this video with headphones, the next I wasn’t. You saved me so much money. I used your paper clip trick and the problem was solved instantly. I wish I found your video sooner, since I’d been dealing with this problem for several weeks.


For the people that can’t hear him, he said to completely turn off your phone twice to make sure it isn’t a software issue, if it u the same after this, get a paperclip or something like that( like a toothpick) and put it in the headphone socket and clear the dirt, and that should work. :)


Thank you so much you fixed my phone I thought I would have to wear headphones every day of my life even to watch one video keep doing what your doing and I really appreciate it


When you come here to watch and fix it but remember your sound doesn’t work


read from a thread from Apple Discussion and a solution that worked for many people on that thread. Here it is: 1) have someone call you, 2) turn on to speaker mode, 3) turn off the speaker, 4) plug in your headphone, 5) un-plug headphone. This should work! (Actually, I had to do this couple of times before it finally worked for me. So don't give up if it doesn't work the first time). Good luck!


thank you 🙏 I worked now I can stop crying


Dude you are the best, the clip worked for me 100%


I saw this in another comment, so sorry but I’m gonna spread it. It only fixed it for about one second, however other people said it fixed it completely:

Have someone call you
Put it on speaker
Plug in headphones
Take out headphones

Try it a couple times. In the end, I dried it out and cleaned it out as much as possible and then went to bed as usual, and in the morning it was fixed 😁😁


Omg thank you so much!!! I was so frustrated over this. Tried a few other things. Just tried the paper clip. Took about a minute of gently moving it around in there and it came back!!!! Truly appreciate this video


i had my phone in my pocket, and it fell out. it stayed on the floor of the parking lot for 50 minutes straight, but the thing is, it was pouring rain. My ringer works and calls work, just not the actual sound lmao.

what’s your guys story??
