It Took Me 36 Years To Learn This Secret | SUNDAY SUPPER EP. 1

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I took over New York City Restaurant and Comedy Club @thestandnyc and turned it into my grandma’s house to serve Sunday Supper.

More Fun Videos of Me Serving Food

Taco Bar for 100 People

Guacamole Bar:


Special Thanks to Music by
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I have corporate job right now that I hate. I cooked in restaurants for 12 years and those were some of the best years and most fun I had in my life. I think I’ll quit and start my food truck I’ve always wanted to do. Thank you for inspiring me and reminding me how good life can be when your job is actually fun. Cheers brother


God, videos like this are why I love this channel. No offense to other cooking youtubers, but there's something unique about you. Your culture shines through in each and every video.


It's refreshing that you thank the camera man, they're so critical to the video but they're never even acknowledged by a lot of food youtube. Respect


As a retired chef all I can say is “ Bravo “! You have captured the essence of what it is like hosting an event completely…. The editing and filming is a work of art! A treat to watch. You should submit this for an Emmy! Well done!


I'm a classically trained professional Chef for over 27 years in London Uk. To see you strive for perfection whilst keeping the essence of traditional food with some twists, to always cook with love and passion for the ingredients is very dear to my heart also. I love your channel and watching your videos is truly inspiring brother, i love traditional french and italian cuisines. When i watch you cook i see you get it, food is love ❤ keep up the great content my man.
Phil in a kitchen from the other side of the pond 🇬🇧💥✊🏼


Made me so homesick for Sunday spaghetti at mom’s. Mom from Naples, dad from Sicily. My mom and her braciole, dad made his own sausage, and they both made a sauce to die for. I’m old now, 75, and they’re all gone, ...aunts, uncles, mom and dad. Lost my sweet sister. Two brothers are still alive, canning peppers, making sausage, growing fabulous gardens, keeping traditions alive. Loved watching your show. You have a fabulous idea. Stick with it.


I have been watching the channel for almost 3 years now and this is probably one of the best videos you have ever made Stephen.


"A good laugh can snap you out of a funky mood real quick" I don't know why, but this gave me chills and made me flash back to all of the times this has been true for me. That situation arises a lot in the service industry and I've seen both sides of it, you either have good people around you and you get through it or you don't and things just don't last long.


The trenches, baby! It's an odd mix, the love for doing this and the anxiety it produces.. made me miss my days in a kitchen. Great idea, executed well! Hats off to all those who worked to pull it off. Some real pros in that kitchen!


I'm just a home cook, but last November I made burrito chilli con carne for 60 people in my small studio apartment kitchen. All from scratch, except the tortillas.
I've rarely felt more alive when scrambling to get everything right.

Needless to say, I based it heavily on your chilli recipe. Thank you for being a great inspiration.


Who in their right mind would own a restaurant and have everyone eat at the same time. I’m exhausted just watching you for 30 minutes. You’re right about one thing—it takes special people for sure!


As a former restaurant worker in NYC, this really made me reflect so much on the better parts of that hard work. Unbeatable feeling to have such a tight crew, undeniable dedication to the food, the madness and joy of doing the impossible to make a whole bunch of people happy. Really excellent video!


What I love the most is that everyone in the kitchen cares equally. They all have the same mindset of the food being as close to perfect as possible, and anything lesser than is unacceptable. There’s no “asshole boss” telling disgruntled employees what to do along with bitching among coworkers. Admirably authentic ❤️


Dude, this was an entire full-length reality show you put on here. Family, drama, intensity, food, and personal growth were all present and accounted for beautifully. Amazing work to you and your entire team on this. I hope you got a good long nap in after all that! Also your bacon and onion dip is the bomb, makes for fantastic spread on paninis too.


You guys captured the feeling of a professional kitchen very well. It gets hectic, things go wrong, people get stressed, shout and even argue sometimes, but in the end you always finish with a shot of something and a laugh!


Props to the cameraman. He seems like a very discrete person, and in being like that he is able to capture very raw moments where people almost forget he is there.


Sit back and look at the whole production and process. You really, really appreciate how much of a "pro" grandma was! She made it look easy. Lots of love in every stir of the pot and it never mattered how many extras showed up, grandma had enough. Sometimes not enough matching plates, good people understand. 100% correct about being all together as a family and friends. I miss those days, values, respect, non-instant gratification etc. Great video... I could fill 10 pages with comments.


I’ve become a big fan of the channel my man. Well done. This was a hell of a watch brother, lots of work put into it. Well done my friend.


This was AWESOME BROTHER! So great to see the crew work together. So similar to the working band scene. Thanks and keep going!


This is the best example of an expose of the world behind the kitchen door that I’ve ever seen.

It felt as if we were in your head throughout - the pace, the sound, the emotion. You captured it all - but it all fell into place just right.

Well done to everyone involved in the production of this, you’re all geniuses.
