how automatic mahjong table works

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this video demonstrate how the automatic mahjong table shuffle the tiles, each table have 2 free sets of mahjong tiles.
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The most difficult part of mahjong is finding 3 additional people to play together.


The convenience of this machine can’t be denied, but one of the best merit of mahjong is its sound while we’re shuffling by ourselves.


redstone powered automatic mahjong table with 64 pistons..


I don’t know what Mahjong is but I suddenly feel the need to learn


it's 3 am and i don't even know what mahjong is yet i'm watching this
not gonna lie it looks interesting


In China most of the fun is washing the tiles manually while talking trash to each other.


There are even tables that have 8 openings so that it can automatically dispatch the starting hands of players based on the what the dice roll result is. Also the tables for riichi mahjong can calculate points and ranks based on how many tenbos you have in the storage.


I thought this was CGI until he touched it


Don’t know how to play mahjong but I would totally get one of these if I have the money


but the true mahjong experience is aggressively trying to stack the longest wall before the person next to you


I can explain how to play Majong, I'm chinese.

The tiles are the following:
4 of each:
The Numerals:
10k (As of 10, 000), 20k, 30k, all the way to 90k.

The Winds: (The ones with a big cardinal symbol on them)
The Northern wind, The south wind, The west wind and The east wind. (Yasuo Lmao)

The circles: (Can't come up with a reasonable translation sorry)
1 to 9 circles.

1 to 9 (The 1 is a bird)

The Honours:
The Red Middle letter (Literally Middle, in red, 中, since this game is at least 2000 years old it was used to simbolize China (中国)), The Rich Letter and The White board.

In many regions there are 8 more tiles, which are the four seasons and four flowers.

Basically at the start of a game the majong tiles are placed in 4 rows of 18 pairs each, so 148 tiles (Including 4 Seasons and flowers) in total. Majong differs in many variations is different regions in China, so I'll explain the one I'm used to and play. The game must be played by four players, not one more or less, when you start without the winner of the last game (It's the first game in the seating), any player rolls one or two dices (This is to decide the starting player), for example you rolled 8, you'll need to count counterclockwise 8 players starting from yourself, so it's gonna be the player on your left. After that the chosen player rolls the dice (to decide which side we'll start drawing the tiles from) and counts just like you did in the first dice roll but instead of counting the player you count the majong rows, then the player who rolled the dice starts to count from the left to the right of that row one pairvat a time the number he just rolled and start drawing from there, and you draw counterclockwise for the rest of the game. If you have a winner from last game you just skip the first dice roll and just do the second. He/she starts by drawing four tiles in the (Two pairs at a time) then the next player draws four, and so on, until everyone has drawn 3 times each (If you're not the one starting then you should have 12 tiles) and then you draw one more except the player whovis starting, who draws two (Because he's starting and everyone draws one at the start).
The game is simple, the goal is to Hu (胡), to form 4 sets of 3 of one kind or 3 consequential tiles (For example 20k, 30k and 40k) paired with one pair of the same tile. This is the most basic winning hand. There are more others like Same Color, which is to do the same thing I said above but with the same category of tiles (Like all sticks, all circles), or to do All Pairs (7 pairs in total).
There are many ways to gather tiles to form your Hu: Drawing, Chi (吃) which means to eat, is when you have two consequential tiles (like 2 Bamboos and 3 Bamboos) and the player BEFORE YOU throws a 1 stick or 4 sticks on the table and you take it, you then must place the 3 tiles in front of your hand. Then we have Peng (碰), is when you have two identical tiles and ANY player throws a third one and you take it, likewise you need to out the three tiles in front of your hand. Lastly you can Gan (杆) which is 4 of the same tile (This is fairly hard to do since you'll need to have all 4 tiles of that single tile in the entire tile pile), you can either draw it youself (Which is more valuable) or to do the same thing as Peng but with 4 tiles.
So to start the starting player has to put a tile in his hand to the table center. The next player draws a tile from the draw pile and has to either do an action like Chi, Peng or Gan if he can, or to just put the tile he thinks he doesn't need to form the Hu. The game proceeds like this until a player forms his Hu.
The harder the Hu is, the more valuable it is, so the more points the winner gains. The points are usually money if you are serious enough.

That's it! If you have any questions ask me! I'll probably remember things I maybe forgot later.


I don't play Majhong, but I'm glad this exists...


You watch one mahjong guide for Yakuza 0 and the site thinks you love the damn game.


Game: Mahjong

Minimum skill: Beginner

Maximum skill: Asian aunties


Mahjong table is the one invention that has stayed consistent in design for the past decade and more. I remember visiting the country as a kid and seeing these around


I've been awakened in the middle of the night by shuffling mahjong tiles all throughout my childhood by degenerate gambling family members. MAHJONG is addictive.


I was curious how the machine could make sure that all of the tiles are facing the right way in the end. But looking at the internal mechanism, I'd guess that the there is something on the white side, just under the surface, that is attracted to a magnet. Pool tables also often use magnetism to separate the cue ball from the other balls. It's commonly thought to differentiate by the size of the ball, but I think the magnet solution is more common.


Plot twist: Actually It's Mr.Wishy washy under the table


Some people saying Mahjong is hard, but in truth the BASE rules isn't that hard to follow.

Through out the game you'll have 13 tiles in front of you, and you're drawing 1 to make 14.
In those total 14 tiles, you want to separate them into 4 sets of 3 tiles and 1 pair (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2)
Your aim is to FINISH your hand first before someone else does. Not to make the "Strongest".

The most basic of rules, simply make the 3 tiles in each set follow some kind of logical pattern within the same suit. For example, 1 2 3 of Bamboo Tiles, or 5 5 5 of Number Tiles. The tiles that has the Compass marking and the Red Dragon/Green Dragon/Empty tiles, they can only be combined into Triples (So if you have compass tile, you NEED 3x of the compass or the Dragon tiles to make a set. You cannot do 1 Red, 1 Green and 1 Empty tile to call it a set).

As for the pair tile, simply make any pair.

So a very basic hand that you can end up getting can be something like: (1 2 3 of Circle tile) + (5 5 5 of Number Tile) + (3x South Tile) + (6 6 6 of Number) + (2x of North Tile) = 14 tiles in total with each set following a logical pattern.

So through out the game, you're drawing and discard tiles one after another, and everyone is simply trying to finish their hand first, with their hand consisting ATLEAST a basic pattern of 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 combination.

So it's, weirdly like Poker where you have 5 Cards in total, each card is representing each set, so you're trying to "Make a Card" for your hand by finishing the set of 3 tiles.

Now this is the easiest... What makes Mahjong hard is when we start talking about "Yaku" (Level of Point) and the rules around this and in all honesty where it gets daunting at first.

When you make a Hand, you can make your hand worth alot of Yaku so when you finish your hand first, you can take a certain number of points from your opponent. What effects your Yaku, is the hundreds of different combinations you can do with your hand that can increase it, but there are certain things that can also TAKE away Yaku from your hand and attempting to memorize all of this is a absolutely nightmare because some combination is worth more Yaku than others.


I love playing on an automatic table. So much faster than hand shuffling. Plus it has a cool factor that can’t be beat.
