Start thinking like the top 1% of students
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Join my Cognitive Retraining Program:
Learn the end-to-end learning and time management system designed to enhance higher-order learning and deep processing:
Read the technical Report on Learning (with references):
Justin is a former medical doctor, full-time learning coach and consultant, top 1% TEDx speaker, and educational author. He is invited to run workshops and courses on learning efficiency for Universities and organisations worldwide. Over the past decade, he has worked with over 10,000 learners from 120+ countries. He is the co-founder and head of learning at iCanStudy, an international cognitive retraining organisation for self-regulated higher-order learning. His area of expertise is in bridging the research-practice gap by equipping educators and learners with critical examinations of the latest research through a practical lens. He specialises in higher-order learning and thinking skills, self-regulated learning, deep processing, and growth mindsets.
Join my Cognitive Retraining Program:
Learn the end-to-end learning and time management system designed to enhance higher-order learning and deep processing:
Read the technical Report on Learning (with references):
Justin is a former medical doctor, full-time learning coach and consultant, top 1% TEDx speaker, and educational author. He is invited to run workshops and courses on learning efficiency for Universities and organisations worldwide. Over the past decade, he has worked with over 10,000 learners from 120+ countries. He is the co-founder and head of learning at iCanStudy, an international cognitive retraining organisation for self-regulated higher-order learning. His area of expertise is in bridging the research-practice gap by equipping educators and learners with critical examinations of the latest research through a practical lens. He specialises in higher-order learning and thinking skills, self-regulated learning, deep processing, and growth mindsets.
Start thinking like the top 1% of students
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