When Loud Music Leads to Murder... | The Case of the Carr Family

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“You and your so-called family have two weeks to move out of Florida forever or else you all die. this is no joke”

It’s April 1989. Sherry Guin is at a Murder Mystery weekend and is playing a dangerous mind game with a killer who poisoned an entire family. Everybody plays their role but Sherry needs to stay more alert than anyone else: her name isn’t Sherry and she needs to take down the host of the party: the prime suspect of the Carr family murder.
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Uncover what true crime documentaries don’t show you: real cases and real people, but with a new twist. This is Unseen.
BACKGROUND MUSIC by Fearless Motivation Instrumentals:
Music Content ID: Identifyy
MusicBed: MB017AOZGS7CO7O
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Unbelievable. The fact that he later moved away which made the whole crime utterly pointless just floors me.


Hosting a murder mystery that's the same as the murder you just committed? Also, outing your motive to police and linking yourself to the threatening note? GENIUS!


The fact that that man can just sit and smile while he’s on trial knowing he murdered a mother and attempted to murder the father, 2 sons and baby sickens me


Let me just say the DR who first quickly realized it was a poisoning is a hero. How many times have you seen poisonings in these shows be misdiagnosed?


That murderer isn't as smart as people think he is or that he thinks he is. He didn't even know how to talk to the police without giving himself away.


I love the fact that Duane honours his mother by trying to live a good life. Duane you are an example to us all.


This "genius" was a moron. Kudos to the female cop, and kudos also to the cops who came up with this plan in the first place. This is the most impressive "sting" that I have ever seen. Maybe George is in the Genius Wing...of prison.


Duane’s absolutely infectious smile at the end is what finally brought me to tears. What a heartbreaking story, but so happy he is living his best life and honoring his mother. Amazing man! Thank you as always for highlighting the lives of the victims and their surviving families more than the killers.

Rest In Peace Peggy


The wisest people are also empathetic and kind. This man is not a “genius.” He’s a sociopath.


Susan is a damn CHAMPION! In the 80's and 90's was a tough time to catch criminals as DNA and CSI was in its infancy. So all detectives had was grit and guts to figure sh*t out. Great vid good work!


His arrogance sealed his fate he was so full of himself a high IQ doesn't necessarily mean you have common sense Kudos to that lady


Leaves the family a (hand-written?) warning note, leaves the unused Coca-Cola bottles still containing the poison, uses a common poison, gives police a motive by talking bad about the victims, holds murder parties with a similar clue about not eating or drinking after being threatened, leaves the empty poison container in his house, writes in his journal about getting rid of his neighbors- this man is a true genius 😆 He's now stuck in prison which is usually very loud and you can't choose your cellie or neighbors. He's complained about them playing their music too loud as well. 😂


I have heard this case from another YouTuber but in your channel, I really saw Susan with brand new eyes. She is amazingly BRAVE. She's an absolute hero. Kudos to her. I'm so glad nothing bad happened to her. My deepest condolences to Peggy and her family. They didn't deserve any of that at all :(


I have the deepest respect for this detective, who went above and beyond, left and right, below and above, to do her job. It must have been hell for her.


He is chemistry/science smart. Doesn't mean he has any other form of intelligence. This dumbass still talked his way into being a suspect. Built a secret torture room while being investigated. Wrote details of his crime in a goddamn crime mystery game and still couldn't keep his mouth shut afterwards. Y'all really giving him more credit than he deserves.


You left out one of the most important pieces of the story . . . how did the laced soda pop get into their home? It was later discovered that the carrs did not lock their doors and the murderer occasionally slipped in while they were gone and put the laced soda pop in the corner. None of the Carr family asked where it came from ... they each thought that the other had purchased it,


Well done Dwayne, my respects to you . The letter you wrote to your Mother was heartfelt and healing . I believe it is called a " no send letter " - I wrote one to my father when I was in rehab, in the UK, addressing addiction issues I had . It helped . Love to you, yours and your Mother . ♥️


The way “unseen” puts this videos together is outstanding


In the 90s I was in primary school (australia) and I had a teacher tell us not to drink coke because rat poison could be found in it, everyone dismissed it as a silly rumour but I had NO IDEA it was from this story


What husband sees his wife’s hair falling out and her being extremely ill and refuses to take her to the hospital. He’s just as much the reason she is dead.
