10 reasons why women lose respect for men

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10 reasons why women lose respect for men

Respect is important for any relationship to last. When there is no respect, people end up doing things that hurt the other, and the worst part is that they don’t care. As men, we want to feel respected and loved because as much as we say we are partners in a relationship, men always want to take the driver’s seat. There are things that sometimes we do as men unconsciously and consciously that push women to lose respect for us. Once the respect is out of play, it is only a matter of time before the relationship falls apart because respect goes hand in hand with attraction. In this video, we will look at 10 reasons why women lose respect for men.

Constant criticism

Critiquing someone can be good, especially when you are in a relationship because you want them to achieve their potential. Women don’t have a problem when you criticize them when they’ve done something wrong. They may be annoyed in the moment but in hindsight they’ll appreciate you pointing out their error. However, when you are constantly criticizing her, that’s where the problems come in. Constant critiquing will make her feel like nothing she will ever do will ever be good enough for you. It is because it reaches a point that it becomes belittling.

When we get to the point that we believe nothing we do will be good enough for you, we stops trying and caring and become demotivated in the relationship. That is the point that the man will lose the respect they had from us. The longer the situation lasts the further we moves from you emotionally, and the less we will care about what you think or say. We know we are not perfect, no one is, but everyone has some good in them, and women like men who appreciate their strengths.

Emre is author, dating coach and CEO founder of Kamalifestyles. He has written books which sold thousands of copies over a decade. Emre trained and coached many clients from all over the world and men of all ages on how to improve their confidence, relationships and dating. He has expertise in confidence, approach and attraction and has been featured in top newspapers and radios. He is passionate on helping his clients to achieve great outcomes and make sure they are not held back by the limitations.

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Annabella Rose is a Dating Coach and youtube presenter. She regularly publishes videos on KamaTV. She takes clients in to the bar and clubs and teaches her magic! Her speciality is approach and attraction. She also helps to develop confidence and conversational skills and gives honest perspective on the world of women from a woman’s point of view. Most of our clients say “the best advice ever” after talking to Annabella..

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Emre & Annabella 🖐️


Being too nice being to friendly or being too mean or being to distant. Or loving too much or hating to much. Or complimenting to much or never complimenting or... you see where I’m getting


Respect, you need to give it to get it


If Adam failed to please the first woman, who r we to succeed? The answer is simple: please yourself and if she can't respect you then get rid of that toxic waste...


What’s new. Nothing has changed. Respect. No self respect. Respectability. Give and take is not always the answer. Work as a team to achieve, or end the relationship and move on!.


When she loses respect, and u have the gut? Don't wait to fix anything dump here and walk away..


These sound like you could apply them to why men lose respect for women as well.


Because they don't respect themselves!


I respect woman with all my heart, they are a blessings to our world, each and everyone of them, and with out them, there is no balance


I'm definitely guilty of complaining and whining and losing my passion for life. My shitty physical appearance and pathetic financial situation aside, it's one the reasons I can't date. I don't want to subject a woman to my problems. She deserves better than that.


100% true cause we don't know what to do us guys & I heard this so many times in so many years correct me if I'm wrong is it like don't hate the player hate the game or don't hate the game hate the player or don't hate the player change the game & I wanna be a yes man cause if I treat my future girlfriend with respect I'll take a bullet for her I'll fight for her I'll do whatever it takes in my power but I have to earn the respect from her & I hope that she can earn the respect from me too I don't want a perfect relationship I just want a honest relationship


Now make a video on 10 reasons why men lose respect for women


If you want to tell us reasons pls use reason 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 910, like that thankz


i notice you did a video like this, but you didn't also do the reverse, that comes across as a bit sexist. almost like telling men how to catch a woman. maybe you want to be equal you do a video about 10 reason why men lose respect for women.


If I'm in a relationship with her she can do whatever she wants & I'm not gonna change her I rather be a yes man to respect her so much than anything in the world & I'm just making sure that we can have a fair relationship cause that's all I want or need in life


But women are independent and don't need no man? So why say that women need men for emotional support? Hence all the confusion.


He is after your passport, mark my words time will tell!


Is the number one reason because of him growing a soul patch?


hi what if women try to use these points to cheat. how to overcome if women misuse these 10 men traits because this sounds so advanced and no policing means no protection..clarify this with another video..bye kama tv


When he started beating and hurting me for no reason other than he could not deal with anything,
