Product Variants | Odoo Sales

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In this video, learn how to create and manage product variants in Odoo.

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This particular feature seems so flawed... Prices cannot be set per variant (except for attributes/values that's often useless), same for description, and don't event think to add variant-related accessories... I have multiple instances running (both CE and EE) but I always have to use workarounds and third party apps to solve these issues (some still can't be solved anyway).


It would be helpful to understand how the variant creation mode works - especially as you can't change it once created


Is it possible to assign particular picture to particular product variant please? For example picture of yellow lamp to yellow variant?


Thank you for this excellent explanation.
However when I have a product with 6 variants, I am only allowed to select one when ordering.
I would like to be able to select two (or more) variants for the same product.
For example, Pizza + pepperoni AND onions AND olives etc.
Now I only can choose Pizza + pepperoni OR onions OR olives.
I'm not sure what I am doing wrong.


It would be helpful in the future to show something like a shirt with 3 colors and 5 sizes with each size a little more expensive but all 3 colors no additional price as the size determines price but not color. I also think Odoo should have a standard way to markup vendor price and allow that marked up price to become the sales price. It’s annoying that they are not linked. Especially for dropshipping this is a must.


Is it possible to use variants unversally/interchangeably in a different BOM? I.e. It doesn't matter which variant we use.


How to upsell as accessory product that has variant?
It shows multiple variants rather than showing one single product, which looks bit odd on the webpage.


Thanks for share your video. Can you help me to choose producty change to color. Example: I choose chair by red color then picture of product show red...


If I create a pos with product variants, the variant selector does not open.
the system duplicates the products with their variants in the category in pos. How can I group the products and open the variant selector pop up?


Well presented video . Can you please explain how the Custom Value actually works?


I don't like the fact that when you create exclusions it doesn't auto-archive the Variants that technically don't exist. So if you had 100 variants and excluded options down to 75 available products according to the website front end. The backend would still show 100 variants. I'm a little disappointed that essentially Odoo is has accepted that products that don't exist still show in the variant count. If I've missed something please share but from what I can tell your team needs to invest more time in understanding how confusing it would be to say you sell a product because the variant exists...yet the exclusion should by default archive that variant. Then if you remove the exclusion, what was once archived would now appear.
