Tár is a Masterpiece, And Here's Why

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Great analysis but you are wrong in your reasoning of why Tár makes the trumpet player perform backstage. She did this for artistic reasons which she clearly explains during the rehearsal when she proposed this idea to her stage/technical assistant upstairs. It is for a musical effect. The trumpet line MUST sound like it’s calling from a great, mysterious distance.


I really like the comparison in style to Michael Haneke! I love the idea of making a fictional drama in a world like classical that is so realistic yet many people don't follow closely. When I first watched tar with my friends 2 of them thought tar was a biopic before the last act which i think just attests to the realism in its writing (especially the new Yorker interview scene). I also really enjoy that the ending leaves the viewer with so many possible interpretations. On one hand you can believe that tar's character is becoming redeemed in her reminder for her love of music. In another sense you can laugh and belive that tar is getting punished for where her career has taken her. Overall my favorite movie I've seen this year.


On gender identity Tàr (or Tarr lol) also refers to herself (themself?) as Petra's father in that playground scene


Good movie, after the first 10 minutes.


This movie is such a great Porsche ad :D


great review really a masterpiece from todd field and a masterclass portrayal from the great cate blanchett


A masterpiece should not pull a vague uggy buggy ending, ergo a great film, not in agreement is a masterpiece, bar too low in day and age of superhero galaxy. Still liked very much.


I have to say I hated this movie. In the first overly long interview, designed to demonstrate how much research the writers have done, it is made clear that Tar is not an important trailblazer. So why should we care about her? As Tar is increasingly tevealed to be a horrible person, you care less and less. Cate Blanchett gives a good performance but the writing and directing is poor. Good acting cannot save a bad script. One star for Cate Blanchett.


There are some interesting concepts in this film, but it is definitely not a great movie. It is completely cold, pretentious, too long and even boring. It has been made for posh, quasi- hipstery quasi-artistic audience The cancel culture is very unclearly connected to the idea of artistic greatness. We don't know whether Tar is a great artist or a complete fraud. We don't know whether she is an abuser or just a usual selfish egocentric celebrity. So, it just ends up in nothing, or it could be anything. Just an endless row of scenes that could be anywhere in the movie. And, please, comparisons with Haneke or Bergman are just big words. This is very far from their work.


This is one of the worst films I have seen
