Highsec Islands - Safe & Infinite ISK Farming Turned To Exploit | EVE Echoes

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Highsec Islands are a great spot to farm ISK safely and efficiently for casual players. However, these locations have been transformed into literal exploits by multiboxers, bot farms and some nullsec alliances as the ISK/hour ratio is so much better than many parts of nullsec. How should these be fixed?

[00:00] How do they work
[06:49] The Systems
[10:00] When it all turns to Exploit

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#EVEEchoes #newpilotguide #MMORPG

EVE Echoes is a next-gen mobile spaceship MMO game based upon hallmark EVE Online design principles. In EVE Echoes, players will be able to forge their own path to glory within a massive space sandbox environment, forming alliances with other pilots from across the galaxy to shape the game’s persistent universe.
Players will be free to engage in interstellar combat, exploration, piracy, resource harvesting, industrial manufacture, trade, as well as many other activities across thousands of solar systems. Whether it's the rise and fall of an empire, or the shifting balance of power, the entire history of EVE Echoes will be written by its players
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Have a mechanic where the more missions in hisec system you do, the less dangerous it becomes. So rating would only give you 75% bonus after 5 encounters 50% after 10 and so on. Casuals can still farm 1 or 2 hours, abusers have to move on to make the isk. Low and null should not be affected because it's suppost to be more dangerous, including npcs.


Here are some other systems I know of, the first one is Miroitem in Sinq Laison, it can spawn up to 7 or 8 Minmatar encounters in the system of Hek in Metropolis. The second is Luminare in Essence where it usually spawns 8 and sometimes even 10 encounters in a Caldari system in The Citadel that I can’t remember the name of lol. It also usually spawns a fair amount of Gallente encounters in nearby systems like Algogile or Du Annes.

The third one is in Onnamon in Black Rise where it usually spawns 6 to 8 Amarr encounters in the system of Palpis in Devoid, as well as some other nearby systems.
The final one I know about, is Aidart in Verge Vendor. It doesn’t spawn as many encounters close together but usually 3 to 5 in some nearby systems. Hope someone found this helpful :)

Fly safe o7

*edit* I also forgot to say the system of Olide in Everyshore lol


I like this systems. I do a lot of encounters with my raven striker when I'm working or something. The null sec anoms needs a buff..more payout..more valuable blueprints in the inquisitors etc...


HI Gica, I just want to say thank you for all your content. You help casual players like myself learn so much about this game. You're by far one of the, if not THE, most helpful EE creator on yt. I've always watched your content and you always bring something new to the table. I subbed. Thank you for allowing me to enjoy this game even more.


So back when those Chinese bots with numbers in their names appeared, I was able to accept 4 of them into my alts stand alone corp... I changed my tax rate to 100% and over a 1 week period they farmed over 600million ISK for me :D then they got banned and stopped logging it


My issue is if your not in one of those dead end systems the missions are spread out way to far. You'll spend more time traveling then making isk.


I would say using "Infinite ISK" in the title counts as click bait xD
But thanks for sharing this with us because its actually only 50% click bait lol


Two reasons I gather my isk wealth this way:
One is self defense. Noticed pilots of the coalition we were up against months ago doing this. Once we figured out what they were doing and how much money they were making, it was clear how they were breaking our much larger coalition. They've been doing it for over a year and have vast wealth with it. Our very rich null systems could keep up because we were organized industry so it simply allowed an entity half our size to overpower us with ISK.
The second is goals. Because we all have them. When I joined I made 4 accounts and went heavy industry. Mined from the beginning, all the way to covetor2's. Then insurance basically took all the work I put in since the beginning of the game and flushed it down the toilet. Now I was making about 30% of my original profits. HOW was I supposed to buy the things I wanted in the game at that point? Especially considering point 1, above.
So...even though I love mining and building and would rather being doing that...even though I detest PvE in general but mission PvE especially, even though it bores me and I pine for mining, I do this thing.
Because how can I not? I still have all the mining/industry skills. Still have the pimped out covetors, but if I stayed with that method of play I would be POOR compared to what I am now. I just blew 4b on ships for fun, threw 2b at a corp mate....this is the kinda thing I used to do but can only do now, at that level, with this method.
Because the way I CHOSE to play the game was more or less removed from the game, and because if I do not, I will forever be falling behind those same two alliances who are till out there pounding on everyone they can with their grief tactics and massive wealth.
If they remove this from the game, then (and I'm not gonna point out what it is here) I already know what the next meta is for making money. Is it what I wanna do? NO...it's even more miserable to me than this PvE mission crap, but I just won't play the game if I can't find some way to compete with those who will do anything to be on top, and neither if I can't afford anything of value in the game.


This has been my play style for several months now, and it has been quite enjoyable and profitable. The system I use was not mentioned in your video, but I have definitely noticed a higher volume of player traffic there for the last couple of months. My partner also plays, but is heavily into the PvP side of things, while I prefer a more stress-free playing experience lol. Thanks for making this vid, it feels so validating lol. I really hope NetEase doesn't nerf this, because as you say, they will likely lose a huge player base, and honest players such as you and myself will suffer the most.


Well thank you very much sir. Just a half casual half alliance player here who is trying to progress to t8 asap so that i could be of any use to my alliance. Currently at t7. If you hadn't made this video i never knew the systems i avoided for lowsec pvp were actually so good to myself for farming isk in my gila who is still in jita waiting for me to get enough ip to insure it 🤣


I've been doing this for a long time in various points around the map, usually in clusters of 2-3 HiSec systems surrounded by LoSec. I don't see it as an issue; it is simply taking advantage of geography. If Multiboxers and botters are abusing them, that is more of a multiboxing/botting issue that needs to be addressed separately.


nice video, but when you'll solve ActionProcessor memory leaks problems? :D


how much isk can i expects to get with 700 dps and t8 missions doing this?


With a good corp you can do 20-30mil isk per tick “easy” in null sec with the 30% bounty increase - not to mention that the corp will also get 30% increase in bounty’s from your ratting and you can increase your t8 or t9 system to a t10 system for even better ratting - those saying null sec ratting isn’t profitable haven’t been doing it right IMO -


I miss this guy ! His videos still help me


Are you a multiboxer if you play 3 toons on different phones?


I don't understand. Why exactly should you as casual player have the same resources as a 6h/day player?


As a newbie I thought these weren't working anymore.. I read that netease had NERFed them by either changing the system to losec or the adjacent systems but after checking they seem ok... I will go and have a crack at that later. I only went to 0.4 once.. and I got killed n lost my ship... Newbie question.. I can't get blown up just by warping through a low sec or nil sec system can I?


This info should be sold on black marked! .)))) Thx, I take my prophecy II and on my way to farm! .)))


Considering low sec is not dangerous for traveling. Just have them spawn outside of the high sec island. In other high sec systems. With the travel added in it's already much less isk per hour.
