Super 8 Film Overlay Pack | Free Download

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Daniel John Peters – Super8 – Film Overlay Pack includes my scans custom edited for ease of use

How To Use Daniel John Peters – Super8 – Film Overlay Pack:

Drag the Matte files on top of your video file and set the blend mode as ‘Multiply’
Then drag any of the Screen or Perffiles above the Matte layer and set the blend mode as ‘Screen’
To use any of the ‘Flash/Transition’ files as a transition piece to your next clip. Place this on top of all the layers and set the blend mode to ‘Screen’
(TIP: Use all the ‘Super8’ files close to another with transitions to help sell the effect even more)
Also don’t forget to use any of the ‘Grain’ files above everything and set the blend mode as ‘Overlay’
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