Susan Blackmore - Atheism's Best Arguments?

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Atheism fields two kinds of arguments denying the existence of God: arguments that refute so-called 'proofs' of God's existence and arguments that affirmatively support the truth claims of atheism. This first seeks weaknesses or fallacies in pro-God arguments; the second seeks to show why atheism alone makes sense. Different atheists offer different arguments.

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1. If your parents told you they loved you simply because of their instincts and have no choice in the matter, would you believe they loved you?

2. She uses the terms, "good" and, "better" but what objective basis does she have for those qualifications? She has no objective basis. She just says, "that's how we want to be." Well, Hitler wanted to be a certain way he thought was "good" so would she agree with his assessment of good? No, therefore must be something transcendent and apart from humanity to define what is "good" because obviously we can't depend on ourselves to define it. This goes in conjunction with her point about our instincts leading us to a moral code. Does she think all of our instincts are good? I doubt that because she mentions all the harm people have done to the world. So, if we're a flawed species (which she subtextually admits) we cannot depend on our instincts to always lead us to the good. Like I said, there has to be a principle beyond ourselves/our instincts to which we aspire; a "moral law" if you will. And if there is a moral law, there must be a moral lawgiver (which of course has to be apart from humanity)...which equals God.

3. She's saying that religious people have created a lot of conflict and use religion as a facade to make people believe they are good people. Yet, by saying this, she claims atheism is the moral couldn't people just use atheism as a facade in the way people used religion?

4. Straw man. She's attacking religion, but you can be anti organized religion and still believe in God/not be an atheist. She should be attacking belief in God at all because that's what atheism means.

5. Cherry picking. She's just focusing on the harm religion has done and ignores all the good it has created for people.

6. Yes, some people use religion to be cruel, but that's not its intended purpose. To get rid of religion on that basis would be like saying get rid of computers because people use them for porn. The bible teaches humility and meekness, so don't discount the bible because some people misuse it.

7. "When people are frightened, they will turn to something that will make them feel better." You mean like when people think they might be going to hell, they turn to atheism and not believe in hell at all. It works both ways so it's a moot point. Also, Christianity doesn't exactly make us feel better. It teaches that we're all sinners and gives commandments that aren't exactly easy to follow.

8. Pointless universe? Let me quote C.S. Lewis. "If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning."

9. Why does evolution discount God? Can't evolution be seen as God's process of refining his creations?

10. Scientist posit that it is irrational to believe in anything that cannot be experienced through the senses, yet they obviously believe in rationality which cannot be experienced through the senses.


Stopped at 0:18 I am sorry but this argument is probably one of the weakest for Atheism. Religion has and still does a lot of very good in this world from charities, hosting/supporting events and bringing communities together. Saying all atheistic governments throughout history have always been loving and kind is also very VERY not true as I am sure I dont need to mention certain names and political parties.


_"there is no God, but don’t tell that to my servant, lest he murder me at night?"_ - Voltaire


So many on here calling her arguments weak and simple, what would you rather her do? Create something where there is nothing like you do ? How is this for complex, you all go and decide on which God you believe in and tell us, y'all confusing as hell.


First she said religion is harming humanity then she said this universe is pointless.


She is confuing atheism with humanism.
Did religion start WW I & II ?


She believes that she can live her life meaningfully only in denial of God. If, as the Bible claims, her being was given by God (to her surprise) and her life can be meaningful only in God, she's in trouble.


It seems as if she doesn't think much about it: every argument is quite shallow and banal, the average teenage atheist can do better. I hear lots of emotion and feelings, not much thinking and reasoning. Poor contribution.


If your parents said they loved you simply because it’s their instinct and they have no choice in the matter, would you feel loved?


“Nothing causes more division, hatred and backwardness than religion.” (Paulo Bittencourt)


How can a being that can define purpose has no purpose at all?


“You can lead a better life as an athiest” cringey. Worst argument.


5:11 “Religion here in Europe has just been gently going away. Lovely! And now it seems to be coming back in this… horrible way with the Christian fundamentalist in the States. Islam.. burgeoning all over the place…”


I thought she was being ironic at the start and lampooning atheists but she was actually fully serious lolll


So you have to be an atheist not to live and let live? Do you judge every athiest by the actions of other atheist?


She claims there can’t be a God because of all the evil in the world but also claimed that humans have evolved to be cooperative/good to each other. Very big contradiction.


So good to hear someone talking sense and using critical thinking Hallelujah


The worst atrocities, in history, were done by atheists:
Stalin - 20 million deaths
Mao Tse-Tung - up to 77 million deaths
Hitler (causing WWII) - ~20 million deaths
Pol Pot - up to 3 million deaths
Tito - 500, 000 deaths
But, Sure! Atheism guarantees peace!


Susan doesn't realize anti-religion is the most divisive stance to hold.


That's the worst answer I've ever heard. Atheists will have an easier time by not believing in God. Wow, what a logical explanation. How about God knew beforehand how one would hate the other over a belief in him. " Do not think I came to bring peace, I came to bring a sword ". A mother will go against her daughter. A father against his son. Your enemies will be those of your own household. God knew that there would be hate in regards to believing in him. He knew your friend or mother would believe, and that would cause strife between the two. No we don't need God to be morally good. But I can look at all the evil in the world and honestly say most aren't morally good. God looked down from Heaven and said " not one person does good ". He is absolutely correct in that statement. Humans are not basically morally good, their evil in their deeds. Whether it be selfishness, lustfulness, hatred of fellow men, cruel to animals, liars, thieves, unforgiving, boastful. Humans are severley lacking in the morally good Dept.
