What is a Talisman? The De Imaginibus of Thabit Ibn Qurra

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Astral forces have long been held to bind the human being within the web of fate. But, what if it were possible harness the very forces of destiny and weld them as a means of empowering human beings? The Talisman is just such a magical object: one with the power to harness astral forces by forging it at just the correct moment in time, capturing the forces of destiny. The Hermetic art of the Talisman was first described by the 9th century polymath Thabit ibn Qurra, among the final pagan sages of Harran. In his textbook, known in Latin as De Imaginibus, he provides a systematic guide for the creation of Talismans of various kinds employing a range of astrological virtuosity. While now obscure, his textbook of Talismans was one of the most important magical manuals of the medieval world.

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My grandfather had a horseshoe hung on his front door. When people asked him how come a rational man like him does so. He said those who believe horseshoes protect against evil influence say it works even if you don't believe it does.


The Pagans of Harran have long fascinated me and I’m so grateful for this wonderful episode.

YOU are The Wizard In The House, Dr. Sledge!


That's a nice city you got there. Would be a shame if someone... made a talisman for it.


Two Esoterica videos in one day?! Jackpot!!


As someone who regularly makes talismans based off of both the De Imaginibus and the Gayat Al Hakim, I must say I highly appreciate this clear look into the history of this art and technology! Thanks! Also - WOW! Did not know Adelard of Bath, an astrologer, introduced Arabic Numerals to Europe!!! We owe these ancient geniuses so, so much...


I became an apprentice jeweler a little over a year ago. When i tell you i have been thirsting for this video.. thanks J.


We are all so lucky to have exposure to so many videos of this type of info!


John Michael Greer describes this school of magic to be medieval rocket science, but in some of its forms it's actually like designing an atom bomb.

This is a wonderful video, and you cracked an incredibly difficult topic which I've often struggled to explain to others for over twenty years.

While Thabit ibn Qurra makes a point of saying any metal will suffice for a talisman, he is almost unique in the tradition in this opinion. Picatrix, even while excerpting De Imaginibus, says that the materials are so important that they can reverse the effects of a talisman if of an oppositional elemental temperament. A talisman to repel scorpions can instead be made to draw scorpions, simply by changing the material. (I side with the majority on this issue.)

Thank you for making my day delightful.


I misheard the “tutorial” talisman as for getting rid of Scorpios, not Scorpions.


I love that you chose this Jupiter Talisman as your image. I carried a replica of Joseph Smith’s Jupiter Talisman with me for years, until I lost it. Not sure how unique it was, but this is a match! Maybe you mention it in the episode, I actually haven’t listened to the whole thing yet.

I had to get on to say that I absolutely loved hearing you get a shout out from Agrippa’s Diary today on the Billy Carson episode.

Knowing my favorite YouTube channels are aware of each other (or at least he of you) made me smile big.

I love what you do and am so grateful. When I have the ability to demonstrate that financially, I look forward to doing so!


Those first 3 minutes are gold... Thank you, Dr. Sledge!


Dr. Sledge, your content is so wonderful, your voice a soothing call for focus, and your perspective as inclusive as it is informed. I love this channel so much, and I'm so grateful you are such a powerful voice of enlightenment in my life. If my financial situation ever turns around, yours is the first patreon I'm supporting.


The pain...my bibliophilic heart absolutely aches that the Bohak and Burnett edition of the text is so hard to get...I've found one copy that is out of my price range currently. :( While I'm sure Warnock and Greer is fine (and I will get that one eventually, too!), I like to dig into the original languages when possible; and, I have really loved everything else I have read that Bohak has published, so there's that, too.

It's good to see Arabic Wizard Clip Art Guy getting some attention these days! He certainly beats the heck out of Arabic Version of Clippy! ;)

With the "breaking into song" talisman, I am reminded of the musical episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which is one of my favorite episodes of that entire series. Of course, that one was due to demonic intervention more than talismanic skill...but, sadly, many people today (including most people in Hollywood) would not understand the distinction.


You, sir, are surely the master of what a former student of mine once called "the high life low life spread". Thabit ibn Qurrra and Aristotle one the high end and Ted Kaczynski on the other. You never cease to amaze and inform. Thank you!


Your intro is why, in spite of my generally secular outlook and career in science, I choose to maintain my Jewish practices.

We perform magic every day that our ancestors only dreamed of.

"The problem, Bernard, is that what you and I do is so... complicated. We practice witchcraft. We speak the right words, then we create life itself out of chaos. William of Occam was a 13th century monk, he can't help us now, Bernard. He would have us burned at the stake."
- Robert Ford, Westworld


05:00-06:00-ish definition of talisman. Best I've ever heard.


Thank you Dr Sledge, truly grateful for your commentaries, I am also giddy with all this info


Love the intro to this one. Something that your channel made me realize was that magic and mysticism was just the precursor to science. The only real difference being modern science has a few extra centuries of recorded data to go off.


I never knew there was a difference between talismans and amulets. Thank you.


I swear, I keep joking about how your videos do much to explain the lore of the video game, Elden Ring, but seriously. You really explain more of the game simply by talking about history and the occult than most Elden Ring lore channels do.

Astrology and fate are critical elements to the game and opposing fate using specific artifacts, talismans religious rituals are major themes.
