If You Find Your Friend Fading Away, QUIT OLD MINECRAFT NOW! Minecraft Creepypasta

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What would you do if you played an older version and suddenly your friend started to fade away?
WARNING! Jumpscares are often in these videos! You have been warned!

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Just a note: my videos are only for entertainment. These are not meant to be taken seriously.

I really enjoy making creepypasta videos with horror, jumpscenes, and other fun scary elements! This includes videos with giant alex, minecraft creepypasta seeds, creepypasta herobrine, and other Minecraft Creepypasta stories! I may also do Minecraft creepypasta roleplays or tutorials on my creepypastas or how to build some creepypasta builds/maps. Also, should I try Minecraft 100 days, creepypasta style? Maybe even Minecraft in Ohio?

#creepypasta #minecraftcreepypasta

If you enjoy my content, I suggest looking up similar YouTubers like WildDogxd, Shark, Eystreem, mrhoneybun, GephoMC, and Not William. There are other YouTubers who are similar to my experiment videos like PrestonPlayz, DanTDM, and some of my horror manhunt videos like Dream, Sapnap, tommyinnit, and georgenotfound.
Enjoy! This is done in Minecraft!

I've also started using Music By MYUU - Royalty Free
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0:00 starts
3:10 why is there diorite and granet in the cave in that version
3:34 nothing spawns in cave
5:25 starts getting suspicious of diorite and granet
7:32 notes that no mobs spawn
9:09 crafting table gone
11:54 friend invisible !!!
12:51 can go through him (like hes a ghost 👻)
14:11 frend can see through (like x-ray vision he said)
14:46 can’t hit him
15:56 he can see bottom of world but not void
16:20 friend fell down the world !!
16:49 crazy text
17:32 he digs
17:53 someone at door
18:05 end


Idea: if new blocks get replaced with old ones, reinstall Minecraft!
Basically new updates start uninstalling themselves one at a time until you're trapped in the oldest version and the only escape is to uninstall Minecraft and reinstall it.
Faze one: trial chambers are made of regular tuff and cut copper with redstone lamps and wooden doors replacing the bulbs and copper doors and all the pots are blank. Trial spawners are regular, breezes are just gone and bogged are just skeletons holding poison arrows.
Faze two: any camels, sniffers, and pots you had vanish. Cerry wood becomes crimson and bamboo wood becomes oak (bamboo itself is fine for now). And any archeology sights you visit will have no suspicious sand or gravel.
Fave three: RIP frogs and allays. Mangrove becomes acacia and mud becomes clay. Ancient city will have no sculk, except sensors, and an obsidian portal.
Fave four: everything below Y=0 and above Y=256 will vanish so I don't recommend being in those areas at the time.
You get the idea, the world doesn't change except it's as if you opened it in the last version instead of the newest one. You'll be using a lot of MCedit in this one.


0:51 the exp orbs be vibin with the music


-birch trees
-hunger bar and XP bar
-pixelated light
-some newer blocks

ah yes, “old minecraft”


this is like it isn’t a creepypasta but a Minecraft anti-piracy


Idea: “If your pickaxe breaks on one hit, abandon your mine!”

Entity: The Lost Miner.

Pretty much how it goes is a player starts up a world and decides to go mining, but his pickaxe breaks on the first shot, and this keeps happening, no matter how many pickaxes he makes nor what material they’re made from. A few more strange things keep happening later like how the nearby ores keep disappearing or moving, and the player soon finds a dungeon, but it’s been terraformed into something completely different, almost like somebody’s home. When the player doesn’t abandon the mine after too long, the lost miner comes to get him.


Bro hitting alt f4 is literally me as well💀


Here is an idea, I had a nightmare about this:
If something begins rebuilding your mineshaft, Delete your world NOW.


Video idea: if you see a American short hair cat, DONT LEAVE THE WORLD


Time stamps (strange thing) and (sighting)
0:02 There is the sound of grass 0:10
8:15 Bluetopicbot Like seeing something weird glitch
11:45 bluetopicbot Feel like something is strange
11:53 When looking at the bluetopicbot player, it was strange that his skin seemed to be translucent, a little bit of his skin was missing, it was strange that his skin was missing.
14:13 bluetopicbot Penetrate through the wall through the wall
16:16 bluetopicbot Can't move as if being pulled by something unknown
16:16 And when you want to attack, press the skin Bluetopicbot was only pressed by a wooden block without touching its skin
16:18 Bluetopicbot is pulled down by something
16:21 bluetopicbot perished in fire and brimstone
17:13 When it's too late at night, it's strange that the sky is still night, not day.
17:52 warning jumpscare
17:58 and the end


0:00 ah minecraft music, I remember those vidoe filmed like 8 years ago, good old days 😢


You're looks like you're the creator of the Minecraft Creepypasta, Ray. Image when the creatures you made meet you, they'll bow down to you as their king.


I have 2 ideas
Idea 1:if your health starts going down DELETE THE WORLD FAST!
Idea 2:if your items start disappearing in your inventory DELETE YOUR WORLD IMMEDIATELY!
I hope you like my ideas!


the fact that he always posts this at 3 am 💀


I like creepypastas, but... I can't get fear nor joy from them, if they are in low quality
I guess, good creepypastas must be as magical secrets in real life: "How could it happen?!", but even some of the older Minecraft creepypastas on this channel looks like more realistic, than the new ones "cheap tricks"


Video idea : If your emeralds disappearing from your chest, DELETE YOUR WORLD!


Alpha grass texture umm he probably playing alpha version until you realize he have hunger bar, birch wood, xp bar, skins,

Man this player playing a version that doesn't exist 💀


Video idea: if your name starts disappearing while chatting. Quit Minecraft


Cackling at this one. Basicly the entity was like 'How DARE you not BUY minecraft! NOW BURN!' XD


9:25 "workbench is gone"
Ah a classic from Ray gloom
