SOLO Jinx destroys Extreme Aatrox with 700% Damage | Swarm League of Legends

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Today we take on Extreme Aatrox, Extreme being the hardest difficulty and Aatrox the final and hardest boss in the game. For this we use Jinx, a fragile character that packs a huge punch, gaining a huge bonus for movement speed and ability haste after 200 kills. But to take on such a huge task we need additional help: an Augment that increases damage based on movement speed. Yes, you heard that right, which means the boost of the character also gets converted into bonus damage.

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pro tip for jinx:
everytime your passive procs pop an ult at whatever looks juicy, the haste gives you a super low cd if you do it within 8 seconds, so its very low risk to just throw it out.
this increases your kills -> more passiveprocs -> more haste/dmg -> more kills -> more passiveprocs OPOPOPOP
worse case scenario an elite comes right after you ult, its just like a 10s cd and the lack of small crap around the elite will mean your other weaponry will focus the elite more so that slight cd on your ult does not even slow your elite killing speed.

4:15 if you ult here couple bruisers, your ult cooldown will use the extra haste to be off cd really quick, seems little value but that means your weapons can start on the slimey thingies faster and you wont be surrounded at 4:45 anymore.

6:28 20ish away from your passive, if you e some of the small crap and then ult you lose maybe 5s, but avoid 15-20s ult cooldown.
so sometimes you can delay slightly ulting the elite, such that you can ult him twice(short cd in between)

its a bit hard to keep it rolling on spearman/bruiser waves, but if there is like medium waves like those dragonshaped or doggoshaped spam you can often align your passive procs perfectly with your ult cd for a heavy dps increase


I'm drunk and don't have any clue what's going on, but I apriciate it! Thumbs up


I actually just got the combo of Ability haste to Movespeed + Movespeed to Damage with jinx against extreme rek'sai. She didnt even burrow twice. My maximum damage multiplier was 1300% when i got excited and got the movespeed boon.


The haste into speed yummi card with the damage scaling with speed can give over 1800% damage



Bounty of one dash build, where you get as many dashes and a low cooldown combined with things like dash healing + dealing damage


is there a setting to be able to see the boss abilities more clearly? Every time I get to a boss I can barely see the red outlines to dodge because of all the weapon effects lol


It‘s funny and sad at the same time how most of your videos do’t even show up in my feed but sometimes it throws one in and I always watch it 😅
I love it how you explain a lot of stuff how it works and patches ❤


bro roasted most league players with that 9:47 😂


Little tip: always use jinx ult when jinx passive is up. Since she gains a ton of cool down reduction, your ult cd goes from around 90s to 20s, which is kinda huge (same with the e ability but it's less op since the cool down is lower)


Why did you leave 7 cards up at 7:17 when you have only 6 possible evolutions?
edit: nvm i see ur hoping for the yumii pickup.


Ah nice vid!
Yo also have the beach bug lol


Augment : With Haste & Ramming Runner so far the best scale up for Jinx


Quick little tip, stall out first yuumi until you kill the elite and the mf buff spawns. From there on the timing of bel veth and yuumi quests with mf buffs will be near each other and can help bail you out


Btw Dex you can toggle auto aim on/off with C


can someone explain me why don't pick up the card like that


now i know this man is intoxicated "uwu blaster isnt a very good weapon" my arse


I reached 2k with just 2 prismatic Augments. Ramming runner + haste to speed thingy


UwU blaster is actually insane for damage.. completed extreme solo on all champions because of it


i see you are playing lot of game like that, i don't know how the gender of the game is call =), (brotato, sawrm, vampire survivel, etc) in your opinion what is the best game from this gender? i i just finish swarm, all 9 character solo aatrox on extrem, and i love it, i want to move to the next game, we all know swarm is was a good game, not so much content, but still a good game, can you recomand me something better? or something who will keep me in front of my monitor for lot of hours :)


how many points you have in anima power?
