What Ships To Own Right Now & Why // Star Citizen Ship Buying Guide

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Our org has been running pvp missions and operations for months now and it's given me strong opinions on what ships really make a difference in the game. Also include what I know about 3.23 for each.
My Star Citizen Referral Code: STAR-VGZY-39TS
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IN MY OPINION.... let me know what you think though haha


Nah brah don't listen to him. Ya'll should spend that money and buy whatever ship u wanna buy. Buy a ship today, buy a ship tomorrow and buy a ship daily. Start that fleet! Do eeeet!


I purchase ships through the store as I am guaranteed to keep them and not waste time grinding for months for ships that then get deleted on each wipe.


I am a chairman in this game. I can’t get my money back. Take it from someone who spent too much. Buy the base game and grind out the in game cash to buy your ships. All ships are or will be very soon, purchasable in game. Buying them with real cash kills that early grind stage that to me is very fun.


No trashtalk, no bullshit begging for likes, abos, patreon and other "pay me" options, no webcam, just the facts why we're watching this video, that's the way I like it.


I've been with this project since the very beginning and have spent way more money than any sane person probably should... However... I always tell people to try the game out during a free fly and see if you like it and can put up with the Alpha state of the game. If you do want to buy into the game look at the available starter packages and pick whichever one you think will suit you the best. Don't be afraid to spend a little extra if you want a better ship to start with but stop right there. You don't need to buy any more ships as they are easy enough to earn in game. ONLY buy more ships if you really believe in what they are trying to accomplish and want to contribute to that... This is completely OPTIONAL.

Some buy more ships... Some don't... Both are equally okay.


It sucks that the meta still favors solo craft over any form of multicrew. If CIG wants multicrew to be viable they need to work on that.


Dont forget that even though emp's are powerfull in 3.23, the Sentinel will lose it's EMP down the line when the e-war suite gets implemented. Hope people are aware of that before they put down a pledge for that particular ship. I feel like the Sabre raven will come on top with it's double EMP loadout and buffs to stealth. It's getting very close to the hornet ghost/eclipse.


my aurora mr is the only ship i have and is the only thing i'll buy from them until squadron releases, since the only real progression in game is earning ships


Nice list, engineering is really going mix it up for the solo guys in big ships, btw, freelancer MIS for me. Yep, I'm that guy that bought it 😊


Scorpius has the interceptor tuning which is huge, and later on when we get computer blades the pilot will be able to use all 8 size 3s. I believe in concept this computer blade setup was balanced against the F8 lighting.


I really dont have the time in my hand to get in and grind for the golden ticket as well as the event that allows one to upgrade to the F7A MkII, hence I just hope sometime down the line, CIG will just open up the F7A mkII and F8C for regular purchase without fulfilling any prerequisites.


When people watch me play and seem interested in playing I always tell them to do 2 things. First do research on the game. Secondly if they still want to play the game, I'll give them 5 different Prices from $50 - $250 and tell them it's like deciding which edition of a game to get and I'll recommend a ship for them to get but I don't want an immediate answer, I want them to at least think over night about it, most people will end up saying the cheapest price and then I tell them the choices are the Auroras, my first 2 ships were the Cutty Black and the Connie Andro but I won't ever suggest them unless they are certain they want to spend that much money and even then I still caution them about it.


Speaking of emps I believe the hawk has an EMP and is a light fighter single seat


A lot of information in this video! You have inspired me maybe, to pledge the Ion.
+ I dont't like the view of the Buccaneer as well.


The Reclaimer is the BEST ship to own right now to earn MILLIONS of credits, with a crew.

Flying the Mk.2 feels like hanging out with an old friend. It’s not the best, but it’s welcome. I’m hoping that the F7A upgrade makes the Mk.2 more competitive. I’d argue that the larger weapon hardpoints aren’t as important as the S2 shield gen. What would make the biggest difference is it had a S2 power plant. That would be my preference over the S2 shield because the Mk.2 already suffers from limited shot capacity when weapons are equipped on the nose and turret. A larger power plant should fix that problem.

As much as I enjoy flying the Mk.2, the F8C is superior in most respects — I suppose that’s to be expected. For Overdrive, the Mk.2’s smaller quantum fuel tank makes it inconvenient to get around Stanton (even with an Altas QD) whereas the F8C can jump across Stanton without needing to refuel.

The Cutter is my favourite starter ship — although TBH I mainly use it to either recover my gear from my corpse or return to a bunker to complete a mission and recover my landed ship. For the latter, I leave it behind, open and unlocked, to help out any stranded player that needs a lift. The Avenger Titan is better in most respects, but I still like the Cutter — especially the Rambler.

The Scorpius is still good but I hate its “braking” problem, which is why it’s so bad at PVP dogfighting. Perhaps this will be fixed with MM, but I suspect CIG was deliberate at making that the Scorpius’ Achilles Heel. However, Scorpius is one of the few fighters that genuinely benefits from having a gunner, especially since its turret has S3 guns and their shot capacity is nearly 4 times greater than its S2 wing-tip guns. A Scorpius with a gunner can make short work of a Hammerhead!

The C1 Spirit is my favourite medium-sized cargo ship. I’d take it over a Cutty any day. The Vulture is fine but hugely overshadowed by the Reclaimer.


Imho you should only buy a game package and maybe (if you have too much money) CCU it at max to a Titan/Cutlass/C1 or something similar. The rest you can get ingame.
Spending thousands of $ (like i did) takes a lot of progress (which translates in fun/a feeling of accomplishment) out of the game.
In addition with all these new changes to force multiplayer on the the players no matter if they have the time for it a lot of people buying bigger ships find that the will be useless most of the time because it will be more fun flying your own ship than play mini games on someone else's ship.


Did he tell me not to buy ships… but then tell me he owns like 8 ships… multiples of the same ship…


No reclaimer? Thing is a money printer and enables you to not have to make decisions about which ship to buy, just buy them all.


with the emp does that mean the hawk is getting a huge buff
