Drum Techniques: Don’t “Overplay” ft. Tim Newton | Worship Band Workshop

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What is the DonMoenTV Worship Band Workshop?
Have you ever wondered how Don and his band prepare for leading worship worldwide? Would you be curious to know who Don considers to be the most important band member? The answer might surprise you. With this first release of the Don Moen Master Class Series, Don and his band share basic principles of worship leading, discuss topics and address questions faced by worship teams in churches all over the world. Watch the video above and order today!

- The importance of soundcheck
- The proper role of a sound engineer
- Floor monitors or in-ear monitors?
- The relationship between your drummer and bass player
- The use of pedal boards with electric guitar
- Auxiliary keys during worship
- How to play with dynamics and how to avoid overplaying

What is the Don Moen Masterclass Series?
The Don Moen Masterclass Series features in-depth teaching and training from Don's 30+ years of experience as a Worship Leader, Songwriter and Vocalist. Also included in the series are the Electric Guitar Workshop, Bass & Drums Workshop, Auxiliary Keyboard Workshop, Worship Band Workshop and Sound Engineering Workshop.

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By subscribing to DonMoenTV, you gain access to Don Moen's 30+ years of experience in the Gospel Music Industry. We post weekly training videos to equip worshipers worldwide with resources to deepen their gift. Worship Leaders, Musicians, Churches, Vocalists, Sound Engineers and Worshipers are all welcome here. Subscribe above so you never miss a video!

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I’m proud of my nephew Tim. He backs up without overpowering the worship leader.


if you look at the gospel drummers, they go crazy, cause they have full of passion and determination. You see if Jesus was next to you, wouldn't you want to play your best music?

Psalm 33:3 Sing unto him a new song; play skilfully with a loud noise. (KJV)
Yes in some aspects you are right, no need to show of in down verses or anything, but when the spirit is there, just play out of joy and passion because when you do that, the drums will be on point


As a veteran bassist, I can tell you this-Tim is a great drummer. Economical, tasteful, pocket for days. It’s all about playing the right part at the right time. Nothing special here, and yet, it’s almost non existent in drummers. Tim leaves room for the band.


I had to comment on this because what’s crazy is that actually DOES happen. In my case it wasn’t because I was overplaying it was because I needed some time off! I had been playing either drums, Bass, or guitar on either a Wednesday night one week or on Saturday nights and two services Sunday mornings 2 to 3 times in a month for 2 years straight. Keep in mind this was for worship at a church so it was all voluntary. It’s not a job, only person getting paid is the director or worship leader. I finally got burnt out and told them I was going to need some time off because I just couldn’t keep up with school and work and worship at all times. So I took a couple of months off. Well I finally felt ready to come back so I told the director that when they needed me he could schedule me.
His response was that I would have to volunteer doing small ministry for 6 months before I could be allowed back in the band lol. When he says smaller ministry he means greeting at the door or helping people park. He was trying to basically PUNISH me for needing time off. Keep in mind when I joined this was not required! They had me audition and that was it. Not all churches are going to be like this. This was in Alton IL and they are big on being digital and showing the services on TV and on their website online so they think that anybody who might get a small amount of time on camera has to be punished and controlled. Funny thing is the pastors son would constantly join the band, then he would quit, and then he would come back whenever he felt like it. So the “6 months “ comment he just made up there really triggered me. I’d like to know if other people have experienced anything like this!


there is always one song i catch myself trying to show off and that song is your love is beautiful!! my leader gives me a solo so i try to have fun with it and not show off so much!!!!


Saw him at Waterfront! 😍😍 new crush ❤❤


I think the most important thing to remember is That overplaying is really just playing very distastefully. Notice how he was playing fills over the lyrics in the middle of the verse and not really establishing any groove or solid beat. The way to not overplay is too play for the song and come up with creative ways to fill.


nice, you upload many drum simple beats thank you lord


The lesson here is Don''t be a distraction. Like a piece of lego that you step on the floor. If you need to sound busy, it has to compliment the rest of the band. Thanks for the lesson Don Moen.


How do you define overplaying? I've often heard quite conflicting and subjective opinions on this. For example, I have a jazz background and the first worship leader I played for wanted to hear more 'sophisticated' drumming while the current worship leader I play for likes a more basic rock approach. Who's right? Who's wrong? Is giving your best for God's glory ONLY include the times you are playing extremely simple? I think it largely depends on the style of music and worship director. I also played for an African American jazz mass for a while and they definitely did not want a simple approach. Now that is largely due to the music having a Funk and R&B sound. My personal opinion is much of Contemporary Christian music sounds largely the same with very little creativity. I don't see why we can't be creative while still being worshipful and doing it for God's glory. Just my 2 cents. God Bless.


what an amazing message... great points


All...guys are acceptable to the LORD....be positive and take courage heart...for the LORD IS THE LORD ..


I think it SOMETIMES depends. Most Gospel drummers I’ve heard play A LOT. Some might say too much. But sometimes it seems appropriate. Same thing with bass, and in some cases other instruments. Pianists and organists generally play less it seems to me, depends on the song. But it’s all stylistic. In this instance, i agree that what the musicians are doing is perfect. But i think when you’re “overplaying” at the right moment of the song, it may work. Knowing how to “overplay” at the right time, in the right way, and making it line up with and perfectly compliment the song is another skill entirely.


Thank you so much Mr. Don Moen for posting this lesson 😊. I am a drummer in our church. I learned so much about this. Godbless 😊


Thank you... Ppl seems to be obsessed with "gospel chops" nowdays...that needs to end quickly


So what happens if as a drummer you are been directed by the lead vocalist to overplay, happens to me most of the time and in many situations they go to the extent of telling you what to play. How do you approach such situations.


Me and my dad run the sound at my church and they do this all the time and I have no clue how to go about telling them not to do you have an insight on that?


There is an overplaying that sounds good and overplaying that sounds aweful. Basically it depends on what the worship leader or the song demands.


I didn't like that fill it was way too distracting, sit out for half a year and think about it! 😂😂😂


Don, or whomever, what kind of stand is that holding the tambourine.
