Minimum Wage Floor Speech

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Senator Elizabeth Warren delivered a floor speech on raising the minimum wage, on April 3, 2014.
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It has been seven years since Congress last increased the minimum wage.  It’s time to honor work again, time to honor the people who get up every day and bust their tails to try to build a life for themselves and their children. It’s time to end corporate welfare for companies that pay poverty-level wages and then expect taxpayers to pick up the tab when their workers need public assistance to afford food, health care, and other basic expenses. It’s time to #RaiseTheWage to help level the playing field for America’s hardworking families.


Hell, Minimum wage isn't enough to keep a single adult WITHOUT a child out of poverty even at full time.


I love you!! Keep up the great work, and thank you for all that you do!


This woman is astonishingly amazing.  Clinton-Warren.  It's time to run the best two people in America today.


I am really impressed by honourable Senator's views and struggle. I would rather salute her to raise voice for ordinary people....I wish Pak would have such Senators. 


I know you said you wouldn't run, but a ticket with you on it would change the conversation.


Thank you sweetheart, job well done be blessed with my children of yours...Melchizedek.


Elizabeth, you are aware that your state, like most blue states, has a very high cost of living compared to red states. Why don't you talk about that?


Worried that a new minimum wage of a meager 10.20 or so an hour will affect retail spending? OK. Buy one less TV every two year. Build product that lasts 10 years, not 2, or 1. Demand higher standards on products we go into debt to purchase. Get a great value for the dollar, buy used and re-cycled products. Do without. Tell box stores to take a hike.


Senator Warren for President 2016.  America needs you. 


You will not be getting my vote. This idea is dangerous. This lady not thinking about everything else that comes with increase in wages. Cost living goes up, factories shut down. Why work at factory for 15hr when you work McDonald’s same price. Honestly the solution to minimum wage needs to be population based per state. More people per state lower wage so that business’ can supply jobs. With almost unlimited supply people, the demand for workers not hi. I also think cost of living needs to be fixed price per state. Poor people literally live put gas food and keep the lights on, that’s extremely small part economy hurts other business. Minimum wage should never exceed 10 bucks hour period. This lady just trying sink middle class. Wish people open their eyes. So what’s this mean for rest of us? Well just means we make gas food and lights that much more rich when cost living increases, and business that can’t compete the increase will shut down.
