3 Large Perfect Razor Clams in Under 1 Minute

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April 21, 2023
Long Beach, Washington

When your dad has over 60 year experience digging razor clams. All 4 of us caught out limit in about an hr, would've been sooner if I was not recording.

Almost a minus foot tide today but the razor clam holes were showing as small dimples in the sand for a split second. Complete opposite from yesterday where there were many doughnut and key holes present.
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Should have shown one up close for those of us who have no idea what they are.


Here lives an entire world I never knew existed.


우와 안녕하세요 저는 한국에 살고있는 사람이에요 우리 한국사람들은 저것과 비슷한 조개를 보고 "쏙" 이라고 해요 조개 인데 바닷가 뻘 밭에서 살고있으며 저렇게 흙 밑에 있어서 잡기 어렵다고 느끼실수도 있지만 표면에 작은 구멍이 있어요 그곳에 소금을 뿌려보면 저 조개가 물을 뱉으며 올라와요 그때 잡으면 된답니다! 쏙은 한국어 의성어로 무언가를 뽑아 올리거나 끼워져있는곳에서 뽑아낼때 많이 사용합니다 저 조개가 쏙 올라와 쏙 빠진다고 해서 쏙 이라고 불러요 다른 이름으론 맛조개 라고도 한다네요 자동 번역이 있어서 해석이 가능 하실거라고 생각하고 한국어로 올려요!


That old man knows what he's doing. Experience talks


for those who are wondering, the handle of the tube has a hole. You leave it uncovered as you push down, cover it with your thumb as you pull up and that creates the suction. I grew up using them... or a similar version at least.


Imagine just chilling in your home deep down in the sand and all the sudden you're back at the surface being put into a bag


These razor clams in a rice like rice with chiken are delicious. In my country, Panama is very hard to find these clams. We called in Spanish: Longorones.❤


in southern China, razor clams were very common. Fresh razor clams do not need to be overcooked, they are very tasty and do not have a fishy smell. Add some grated ginger, fry for a few seconds, add to the soup and add chopped green onions, it will be refreshing and delicious.


In the quiet depths of the sandy shore, fear permeates the air as the malevolent Razor Clam collector emerges. He strides along the beach with a predatory grace, his eyes gleaming with an unholy thirst for shells. My heart races within my shell prison as he draws nearer, each step sending tremors through the earth.

I huddle among my fellow clams, helpless and terror-stricken, as he approaches. The moon casts an eerie glow on his figure, his silhouette resembling a dark harbinger of doom. His metallic tool glints in the faint light, a sinister instrument that heralds our demise.

As he comes closer, panic seizes me, and I struggle to burrow deeper into the sand, praying for salvation. But there is no escape from his relentless pursuit. The chilling sound of his footsteps grows louder, echoing the pounding of my heart. I watch in horror as he mercilessly strikes down clam after clam, their agonized cries lost in the salty breeze.

Time slows as his shadow looms over me, his gaze fixated on my trembling form. The salty tang of fear fills the air as his gloved hand descends, cold and unyielding. I can feel the edges of his tool pressing against my shell, the promise of excruciating pain and inevitable death. My mind screams for mercy, for a miracle, as I prepare to meet my gruesome fate.

The moment arrives, swift and cruel, as he wrenches me from my sandy sanctuary. The searing pain is unbearable as my shell cracks and splinters under his grip. The world blurs, the sound of crashing waves muffled by the agony that engulfs me. The last thing I see is his triumphant smile, a chilling embodiment of his sadistic pleasure.

And so, the beach becomes a graveyard of shells, a testament to the Razor Clam collector's reign of terror. His footsteps fade into the distance, leaving behind a trail of destruction and shattered lives. The once tranquil shore now bears witness to his monstrous appetite, a reminder that even the deepest sanctuaries are not beyond the reach of darkness.


for everyone who doesn't know what that is: he's catching wild pancakes.


fond memories there man. we used to go out every year with the kids along the 10 mi beach between coos Bay and Winchester Bay. in the '70s we can get buckets and buckets of them as a tide went out. The beach got so overworked that by the mid '80s you'd have to get a knee deep water at low tide to find them. those are some nice big razor clams there. we'd catch enough clams in a weekend to make clam chowder for the rest of the winter.


As a little girl in the 60s we'd dig clams, but we used a shovel and got on our knees and dug with our hands, had to grab and fight those little rascals. Long Beach Washington


My animal crossing training taught me to look for sand dimples and squirts 😅


Бесконечно можно смотреть на три вещи. На то, как течет река, на то, как горит огонь, и на то, как пожилой мужчина достаёт моллюсков...


Modi ji multi talented hai.

He also learnt the accent.


Man I love me some razor clams. And catching them is so much fun as much as it is laborious. The next day, Im always sore


My cousin Becky would take me out on the clam flats when we went back to Maine every summer, where they were raised. Running barefoot across the flats like we were in Lord of the flies, she would snatch up razor clams so fast my head would spin!


Yum! My mom used to make razor clam linguini growing up. I forgot how much I loved that. Time to go clamming 👍


A man from another planet just uploaded a new video.


In those first 2 seconds I thought he was trying to walk with the world's shortest cane. 😅
