What's REALLY Blocking Your Lower Chakras Healing?
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If you want to heal your negative thinking & mindset, then you must commit to lower chakras healing. In fact, healing your lower chakras is connected with healing your mindset.
There is a reason why changing negative thoughts, beliefs, emotions is challenging. One of the reasons is there are many inbuilt programs in the lower chakras that keep you stuck in the lower energies. The first step in healing lower chakras is always awareness. You need to become aware of the programs that are keeping you stuck in negative thinking. You must educate yourself on the impact of these inbuilt programs in your everyday life so can neutralize their effects.
In this video, I share three specific toxic ego programs that keep you stuck in pain & misery. Once you understand how these programs are operating in your psyche, then you can shift your mindset towards right thinking and action.
If you want to get a handle on your thoughts and heal your soul, then your first job is to heal lower chakras and commit to clearing any programs or beliefs that block them. In this video, I share how to make 3 Mindset Shifts that will help in unblocking the lower chakras.
None of us can heal lower chakras without making mindset shifts. The unhealthy/ toxic ego must be addressed & transmuted to permanently shift out of negative mindset. Only then you can claim dominion over your bod, mind and spirit.
Want to learn more? Watch the video. And as always, please only take what resonates and discard all the rest.
00:00 Sign of Unhealed Lower Chakras
00:14 Intention of the video
00:38 Brief Introduction of Lower Chakras
01:01 What keeps you stuck in negative thinking
01:37 How your negative thoughts get formed
02:10 Interconnectedness in healing Lower Chakras & Negative mindset
02:53 Popular Advice for Healing Negative thoughts
03:32 Negative programs that you must clear from your chakras
04:18 Bug #1: Sexual misery
06:10 Bug #2: Victim Victimizer
07:34 Bug #3: Warring & Competition
08:46 Practical suggestions to heal lower chakras
09:41 Outro
Resources – Articles:
On Sexual Misery:
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Lower Chakras Healing. Make 3 Mindset Shifts, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, chakra healing, root chakra, chakra meditation, meditative mind, chakra balancing, chakras, lower chakras, chakra healing music, healing music, chakra healing meditation, chakra, spirituality, healing, healing meditation, solar plexus chakra healing, lower chakra healing, lower chakras blocked, meditation music, sacral chakra healing, reiki chakra healing, chakras explained, positive energy, 7 chakras, themeditativemind, muladhara, healing chakra, bottom 3 chakras, bottom three chakras, chakra meditation music, chakra healing meditation music, lower 3 chakras, how to heal lower 3 chakras, what are chakras, how to activate lower chakras, sacral, 7 chakras explained, activate chakras, seven chakras, law of attraction, reality creation, create your own reality, how to bend reality, manifestation, affirmations, do affirmations really work, how to heal the chakras, seed mantra, healing camp, balance chakra, 3 lower chakras, lower chakras meaning, lower chakras balancing, lower chakras meditation, vishuddha, how to heal your lower chakras (beginners guide), how to heal lower chakras, how to unblock lower chakras, how to open lower chakras, how to open your lower chakras, how to heal your lower chakras, lower chakra healing for mental health (101 guide), chakras lower triangle, raise self confidence, raise energy, raise energy vibration, solar plexus chakra meditation, chakra music, sacral chakra meditation
There is a reason why changing negative thoughts, beliefs, emotions is challenging. One of the reasons is there are many inbuilt programs in the lower chakras that keep you stuck in the lower energies. The first step in healing lower chakras is always awareness. You need to become aware of the programs that are keeping you stuck in negative thinking. You must educate yourself on the impact of these inbuilt programs in your everyday life so can neutralize their effects.
In this video, I share three specific toxic ego programs that keep you stuck in pain & misery. Once you understand how these programs are operating in your psyche, then you can shift your mindset towards right thinking and action.
If you want to get a handle on your thoughts and heal your soul, then your first job is to heal lower chakras and commit to clearing any programs or beliefs that block them. In this video, I share how to make 3 Mindset Shifts that will help in unblocking the lower chakras.
None of us can heal lower chakras without making mindset shifts. The unhealthy/ toxic ego must be addressed & transmuted to permanently shift out of negative mindset. Only then you can claim dominion over your bod, mind and spirit.
Want to learn more? Watch the video. And as always, please only take what resonates and discard all the rest.
00:00 Sign of Unhealed Lower Chakras
00:14 Intention of the video
00:38 Brief Introduction of Lower Chakras
01:01 What keeps you stuck in negative thinking
01:37 How your negative thoughts get formed
02:10 Interconnectedness in healing Lower Chakras & Negative mindset
02:53 Popular Advice for Healing Negative thoughts
03:32 Negative programs that you must clear from your chakras
04:18 Bug #1: Sexual misery
06:10 Bug #2: Victim Victimizer
07:34 Bug #3: Warring & Competition
08:46 Practical suggestions to heal lower chakras
09:41 Outro
Resources – Articles:
On Sexual Misery:
Come join the family on Social,
Lower Chakras Healing. Make 3 Mindset Shifts, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, chakra healing, root chakra, chakra meditation, meditative mind, chakra balancing, chakras, lower chakras, chakra healing music, healing music, chakra healing meditation, chakra, spirituality, healing, healing meditation, solar plexus chakra healing, lower chakra healing, lower chakras blocked, meditation music, sacral chakra healing, reiki chakra healing, chakras explained, positive energy, 7 chakras, themeditativemind, muladhara, healing chakra, bottom 3 chakras, bottom three chakras, chakra meditation music, chakra healing meditation music, lower 3 chakras, how to heal lower 3 chakras, what are chakras, how to activate lower chakras, sacral, 7 chakras explained, activate chakras, seven chakras, law of attraction, reality creation, create your own reality, how to bend reality, manifestation, affirmations, do affirmations really work, how to heal the chakras, seed mantra, healing camp, balance chakra, 3 lower chakras, lower chakras meaning, lower chakras balancing, lower chakras meditation, vishuddha, how to heal your lower chakras (beginners guide), how to heal lower chakras, how to unblock lower chakras, how to open lower chakras, how to open your lower chakras, how to heal your lower chakras, lower chakra healing for mental health (101 guide), chakras lower triangle, raise self confidence, raise energy, raise energy vibration, solar plexus chakra meditation, chakra music, sacral chakra meditation