CARTA: Mind Reading: Human Origins and Theory of Mind: Michael Arbib: Mirror Neurons and More

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CARTA: Mind Reading: Human Origins and Theory of Mind: Mind Reading in Chimpanzees
CARTA: Mind Reading: Human Origins and Theory of Mind: Juliane Kaminski: Comparing Apes and Dogs
CARTA: Mind Reading: Human Origins and Theory of Mind: Welcome: Ajit Varki
CARTA: Mind Reading: Human Origins and Theory of Mind: Wrap-Up: Terry Sejnowski
CARTA: Mind Reading: Human Origins and Theory of Mind: Emergence of Theory of Mind in Human Babies
CARTA: Mind Reading: Human Origins and Theory of Mind: What Makes Humans Different?
CARTA: Mind Reading: Human Origins and Theory of Mind: Opening Remarks: Donald Pfaff
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CARTA: Mind Reading: Human Origins and Theory of Mind: Question and Answer Session
CARTA: Mind Reading: Human Origins and Theory of Mind: Ralph Adolphs: What is Theory of Mind?
CARTA: Mind Reading: Human Origins and Theory of Mind: Jason Mitchell: Brain Imaging Studies
CARTA: Mind Reading: Human Origins and Theory of Mind: Michael Arbib: Mirror Neurons and More
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