Genesis is NOT Mytho-History | Correcting William Lane Craig & Refuting Theistic Evolution #shorts

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Theistic Evolutionist William Lane Craig claims Genesis is "Mytho-History". Dr. Jonathan Sarfati joins Donny Budinsky and George Bond to prove this claim wrong. Genesis is literal history.

Theistic evolutionism is neither scriptural nor scientific. Theistic evolutionism is based on both sloppy hermeneutics and bad science. This short exposes Bible compromise.

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🥊💥 The knockout punch from Dr. Sarfati!


You took Peter's quote out of context. Here's the WHOLE verse, rather than just the part you quoted:

"For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you ABOUT THE COMING OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty."

Peter was specifically talking about Jesus Christ, his coming, and his resurrection being true and not cleverly devised. Nothing in this verse is about Genesis.

There is lots of evidence that Genesis (particularly the six days of creation) are not meant to be literal.
1. Light comes before the sun and stars in Genesis.
2. The ages in Genesis 5 are all built from combinations of 7s and 60s in terms of months and/or years. This very strongly indicates that these numbers were chosen for the significance to the culture. And wouldn't you know it, the numbers 60 and 7 were both important to the Biblical culture.
3. Biblical literalism didn't begin until the 18th century. That's a LONG time where literalism hadn't been a prominent view.
Origen thought that some of the Bible should be interpreted figuratively. He was an early Church Father.
Augustine of Hippo, another Church Father, thought the same way.
4. The Bible clearly speaks of the sky being a solid dome, and the Earth as flat. We know that neither of these are true. It was just what everyone believed in ancient times.
5. The creation story very closely parallels the tabernacle! Look it up!

So even though I am a Christian, I acknowledge that *God met the Biblical authors where they were in their knowledge. Most of the time, God gave them THEOLOGICAL knowledge rather than scientific knowledge.* This does not hurt the credibility of Christianity at all. It actually BOOSTS the credibility of Christianity because things make more sense and are more harmonious.

Biblical literalism and young-earth creationism drive atheists and skeptics AWAY from Christianity. If we, AS CHRISTIANS, want to spread the gospel, we should actually interpret the Bible correctly (not always literal!) so that it doesn't seem so foolish to non-believers.


Dr. Jobathan Sarfati holds a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry. If he was a doctor in theology, he would know the difference between myth and myth... What he describes is myth as urban myth, which can very well describe lies and fancy tales. What WLC is talking about is myth as origin stories which can very well be history.


Im not sure of this, but i think when craig says "mytho history" he doesnt mean its alll myth. Its historical people and things going on but uses myths from other regions (babylon, egypt, sumerians) hence why the jews used this to show the other regions their theological constructs are wrong, defeating pagan/polytheistic beliefs. Many still believe in a flood just not a global one, which has been fully substainaited.


I love Craig and his eloquent, intelligent defense of the faith. However, I think that he's wrong on his interpretation of Genesis.


Mytho history is history. It's just history from a particular point of view with a message in mind rather than JUST a telling of the just-so facts.


Where does Peter say that we don't follow myths?


Craig has great defenses for his beliefs but they and he are wrong concerning genesis.
