Niseni ditën me banane dhe do të surprizoheni nga ndryshimi në trupin tuaj

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Dieta e njohur si “banania e mëngjesit” është tejet e thjeshtë dhe shumë e lehtë. Arsyeja se përse kjo dietë vlerësohet efektive ka të bëjë me faktin se bananet promovojnë tretjen dhe shpejtojnë metabolizmin. Gjëja e dytë pozitive është se bananet janë të pasura me një substancë e cila ka indeks të ulët glicemik
The diet known as "morning banana" is extremely simple and very easy. The reason why this diet is considered effective has to do with the fact that bananas promote digestion and speed up metabolism. The second positive thing is that bananas are rich in a substance which has a low glycemic index
The diet known as "morning banana" is extremely simple and very easy. The reason why this diet is considered effective has to do with the fact that bananas promote digestion and speed up metabolism. The second positive thing is that bananas are rich in a substance which has a low glycemic index