Preparing for Feast of Trumpets and Rapture on October 9th

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What happens if you look up chapter 7 verse 22 in every book of the bible for the 7th month and 22nd day? Why Rosh Hashanah moves to the 10th day of the 7th month this year.

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Correction: Day of Atonement is from evening of the 26th to evening of the 27th.


Dude, the thief on the cross beside Jesus said remember me when you come into your kingdom. Jesus said he would be with him in Paradise that day. Don't confuse people. We should forgive and we should be obedient, but only Jesus & his blood saves us! Nothing we do saves us. We believe in Jesus and repent and he saves us. We declare with our mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord! Your studies are amiable, but Jesus did it all! I agree we have to forgive others and be obedient, but that's not what saves us and it's not what determines who goes up in the rapture. Jesus determines it! Jesus said the very best in us is nothing but filthy rags! The only good in us is Jesus!


You do some impressive work, Daniel! Thanks for all you do! I just got baptized this year (im 39 years old and found my way back to Christ recently) and it would be the greatest thing if Jesus came back this year! Im suffering after a brain injury and have been suicidal for the past year so an end to my suffering would be more than welcomed. I know there are many millions suffering more than me in the world who would look forward to His return as well! Maranatha Yeshua!!


Great to see you again. Thanks for the amazing connections, teaching and encouragement. The Lord has revealed so much to us recently!!!!


Excellent. Thank you brother Daniel. I understand the urgency of forgiving others their trespasses.


Hey! I was curious on what you thought of this timeline? It’s similar to what you’ve got!

From all the varying counts of 1, 260, 1, 290, 1335 days and also an extra 75 and 30 days added to the 1, 260, these EXACT days can be added from Oct 2nd, 2024 (Rosh Hashanah) Feast of Trumpets, and you'll land on the exact days on the Lords Feasts fulfilling all the fall feasts that Jesus Christ would need to just like how he did with the Spring Feasts when he was ministering here nearly 2, 000 years ago! Adding all these days ONLY works on Oct 2nd, 2024 to have a harmonious and EXACT landing on all the Lords Feasts. This doesn't work for 2025 or 2026 but ONLY starting in 2024!

Daniel 12:11-12
From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1, 290 days. Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1, 335 days.

The daily sacrifice is the church, all believers in Christ right now. The day the Rapture occurs, Daniel says to add 1, 290 days exactly from that day and it will be the day of the middle of the 7 year tribulation which is the abomination of desolation. We are the daily sacrifice. (Luke 9:23, Romans 12:1, 1 Corinthians 15:31)

These prophecies deal with specific time periods associated with the 7 year tribulation. This is the TIMELINE according the Book of Daniel and Revelation properly exegeting the scripture not based on my own understanding.

Nov 1st 2024 - Sept 26th 2031 is the 7 year tribulation. That is exactly 2, 520 days.

Rapture of the Church (Pre Tribulation Rapture) Oct 2nd, 2024. Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets)

30 days after Oct 2nd is Nov 1st, 2024, the day of the signing of the 7 year peace treaty by the Antichrist. (the start of the 7 year tribulation) (Daniel 9:27) BE AWARE of the Antichrist for he will SEEM genuine the first 3.5 years but he is NOT who he says he is. He will enforce the mark of the beast on either your right hand or forehead in order to buy or sell things, DON'T DO IT. It instantly condemns you to hell! Jesus warned about that. (Revelation 13:13-18)

1, 290 days after the rapture Oct 2nd, 2024 is April 14th, 2028 which is in the middle of the week of Passover. Passover 2028 starts April 10, 2028 - April 18, 2028. Key timing that it's in the MIDDLE OF THE WEEK of PASSOVER because in Daniel 9:27 it says "And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease.." Even though ONE WEEK is understood as 7 YEARS, it's NOT coincidental that in the "midst of the week" of PASSOVER 2028, he breaks the peace treaty in the MIDDLE of the 7 year tribulation! This is PROPHETIC timing as this day LITERALLY lands in the midst of the week and midst of the 7 years!

April 14th, 2028 is the Abomination of Desolation. The Antichrist breaks the 7 year peace treaty here and this is the start of the Great Tribulation and final 3.5 years/1, 260 days. I pray for any of you in these final days, repent and receive Jesus Christ and don’t take the mark. The antichrist is NOT God even though it will be convincing. Satan will be ahold of him. (Daniel 9:27)

Did an exact 1, 260 days (3.5 years) from the start of the 7 year tribulation (Nov 1, 2024) land on the Abomination of Desolation? (April 14th, 2028) Yes! It lands exactly in the middle of the week of Passover 2028. April 14th, 2028. On this day, Jesus says whoever is in Judea to flee immediately. (Matt 24:15-21)

The Final 1, 260 days (3.5 years) later from April 14th, 2028 is September 26th, 2031, this is the same day as Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) which is the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ and the end of the 7 year tribulation. If it’s the end of the 7 year tribulation, then it has to be exactly 2, 520 days after Nov 1st 2024 (start of the 7 year trib) and is it? Yes it is, do the math. (Read all of Matthew 24 but Matthew 24:29-31 is about Jesus 2nd coming)

75 days later from September 26th, 2031 (2nd coming of Christ and End of 7 year tribulation) is December 10th, 2031 which is when Hanukkah 2031 starts.

1, 335 days after the Abomination of Desolation (breaking of the 7 year peace treaty, Apr 14, 2028) is December 10th 2031 which is when Hanukkah 2031 starts.

Overall, all the numbers given from the Book of Daniel and Revelation were all fitted perfectly and only works with this year. Doing this with the year 2030, 2032, 2033 does not work because you won’t get the exact same harmonious results with 2031 being the 2nd coming of Christ with him fulfilling all the fall feasts and 2031 will be the start of the 1, 000 year reign of Jesus Christ on Earth.

And REGARDING Matthew 24:36 "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." This was Jesus telling a JEWISH IDIOM. The Jewish idiom “The Day and the Hour No Man Knows” refers to the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) because the exact start of the feast is unknown! Another name for this feast is “The Hidden Day” The Feast of Trumpets was the only feast day to occur at the start of a lunar month. The first day of the month and this day was not known until 2 witnesses confirmed sighting of the New Moon sliver to the sanhedrin. And this could happen at ANY hour of ANY day during the New Moon phase. Only the sanhedrin nassi had the authority to proclaim the first of Tishri which is Rosh Hasanah, the Jewish New Year. Because of this, the jewish idiom was made and the Feast of Trumpets became known as the Feast No Man Knows the Day or Hour! Hence explaining the context with Jesus saying in Matthew 24:26 “No one knows the day or hour”

Also "That Day or Hour No One Knows" can refer to a parallel between Jewish Marriage Customs because the bridegroom on an unannounced night would gather his best man and groomsmen together going to the brides house crying with a loud shout that the bridegroom is here to marry the bride! They would typically use a shofar which is similar to a trumpet to signify the bridegrooms arrival which the bride NEVER knew the day or hour the Bridegroom would come and get her! So as you can see, that explains one of Jesus Christ's most FAMOUS saying "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."


"Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.

For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life." (Romans 5:9-10)


This is so endearing. Marvelous work. God bless from India 🇮🇳


Wow the 7:22 connection is very interesting God is amazing


Good job brother Daniel. I especially like what you said about reading our Brit Torah, even writting it down. The 1st time the Spirit led me to do that was 2005, and I memorized the 10 words in hebrew, and had it witnessed. You think and preach a lot like me! Must be cause it is from the same Spirit of Yahuah given thru Yeshua our Messiah! Thank you, i am greatly encouraged.
PS I hope to see you at SweetwaterRanch on Oct 18-25 with POTV.


Wow Daniel, happy to see your subs have greatly increased since changing your YT channel name. I’ve been with you since you were under 2k. I absolutely love your research and findings. Always look forward to your posts. GBY. 🙏✝️💟🇮🇱


Hi Daniel. I heard you on Pastor Paul's Show and had my calendar marked for the eve of September 26th to fast. But had forgotten why I had that date marked as Day Of Atonement. My power just came back on tonight. With my phone dying not concerning me anymore, I began the September Surprise Webinar! Now at least I can and am fasting and praying on the real Head Of God's Year 5785. Shalom Daniel.


These studies are so
good. They do ring ✨true and have matched exactly into (3) separate revelations
that I've seen so far. 🌹


When will your Revelation video be done???
Thank you for your fantastic research and sharing! God bless


Very thorough deep dive into scripture and the last days. God Bless you sir, that was great info.


Imputed righteousness - say it to yourself. Imputed righteousness. It’s the only eternal righteousness that there is . Righteousness by faith in Jesus Christ- it’s the only comfort for the heart of man .😊btw great theory with Atzaret😊


>Think of a young bride looking for her husband to be.
The image of a young bride looking for her husband is a powerful and tender representation of anticipation, love, and devotion. This analogy beautifully mirrors the relationship between the Church—the bride—and Christ—the Bridegroom. Just as a young bride eagerly awaits the moment she will be united with her beloved, so too do believers long for the day when they will be fully united with Christ.
Imagine the bride, dressed in her finest attire, heart filled with excitement, her eyes scanning the horizon for the first glimpse of her groom. Every moment feels like eternity as she waits for that joyful reunion. Her thoughts are consumed with the joy of finally being with the one she loves, the one she has prepared for, the one she has committed her life to.
In this picture, the bride's anticipation is marked by a deep longing and unwavering hope. She knows that her beloved is coming, and she is ready, her heart overflowing with love and expectation. Every detail has been considered, every moment of waiting has only increased her desire to see him.
This is a beautiful parallel to the (eternal) Church's anticipation of Christ's return. Just as the bride waits for her husband, believers wait for Christ's appearing with eager hearts. The love, dedication, and hope that the bride feels are the same qualities that should characterize the Church as it awaits the return of the Bridegroom.
The Scriptures echo this sentiment in Matthew 25:1-13 (KJV), where Jesus tells the parable of the ten virgins, emphasizing the importance of being ready for the Bridegroom's arrival. The wise virgins, like the young bride, are prepared and waiting with anticipation, knowing that the moment of joy and celebration is near.
As you look for His appearing, may you be like that young bride, full of love, hope, and readiness, eagerly awaiting the moment when you will be united with Christ in eternal joy and peace.


Very interesting brother may God count us worthy to escape these things coming on this world and to stand before the Son of Man


Your saved and sealed when you believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay for your sins, believe in his death, burial and resurrection
John 3:16 ❤️✝️🎺🆙👑


Third time listening. Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil. Your study, understanding and teaching here is comforting.
