3 Keys To Attracting & Seducing A High Value Woman In Modern Times!

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3 Keys To Attracting & Seducing A High Value Woman In Modern Times!... In this dating advice video, I will talk about attracting and seducing a high value woman in modern times. I want you to be able to attract a high value woman on first dates, online dating, or somewhere in the dating process. Pay attention to this dating advice and ensure you watch the entire video.

Attracting a high value woman won't be easy for you if you don't understand women and know what women want. Modern times and modern dating have their challenges, but I want to give you the three keys to attracting a high value woman in modern times. Embrace this video to learn how to attract women.

Attracting a high value woman isn't the same as attracting women in general. To attract women in modern times, you need to know what women want and what a high value woman wants. This video will teach you how to attract a good woman and improve your dating experiences.

As your wingmam, female wingman, and dating coach for men, I want to make dating easier. I hope you find this dating advice for men helpful.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Keys to attracting a high value woman in modern times
- Attracting a high value woman
- High value woman
- How to attract women
- Attract women
- Attracting and seducing a high value woman
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for men video will give you the clarity you need.


Men's Resources❤


I hope you enjoyed my video "3 Keys To Attracting & Seducing A High Value Woman In Modern Times!"


DISCLAIMER: Anna is not a psychologist, licensed therapist/counselor, medical advisor, or lawyer. The videos are opinions only, not advice. Therefore, you are responsible for your actions and the results thereof. Obey the law. If you have mental health issues or are considering harming yourself or others, seek appropriate help immediately.


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Рекомендации по теме

Excellent, excellent video. Loved how you used the word seduce. Man-woman relationship is seduction. It's a dance where the man always leads, but guides the woman so gracefully, that she melts into his arms. Also, liked how you used the word influence. Influence often seems to be the opposite of dominance. Dominance is often defined as forcing people to do what you want, while influence is often defined as seducing people to do what you want. Of course, influence is far more powerful than dominance, because there is no resentment or push-back. A seducer will either respond quickly to a text and say "I so wish that I could text with you today, but I'm on deadline and will get back to you as soon as I can." If a seducer does not respond quickly to a text, he will say, "So sorry for the slow response, but was on deadline." If a seducer has to tell someone something they don't want to hear, he will start out with "Sweetie, ...." I once got busted on this when I was telling a girl how to break bad news. She said, "That's what you do to me." Oops. A true person of influence will never neglect anyone. He sees everyone from janitor to CEO as vital to his network of influence and seduction. The influencer seducer can date multiple women and have several women in the background ready to date, if one his primary relationships changes, because they all love how he leads the relationship as he makes them feel good about themselves.


I'm dealing with one now, I'm 100% myself being straight forward telling her the plain truth about myself and what I want.
I'm not pretending to be ANYTHING else, I'm not spinning her any stories.
I have boundaries, feel good about myself, are not co dependent, but just want someone add happiness to my life, not one I depend on for happiness.
She loves it.


(8:43) "Women don't respond to what they want. They respond to what they need." Great statement.


7:46 “An emotionally healthy woman who sees the value in your values [because you value these values above all other values{?}] is actually going to feel safer with you when she sees you commit to your values - even when it means she needs to compromise or be second priority sometimes; she will trust that you know what your priorities should be” -your wingmam ; this is an excellent reasoning and incentive for cultivating your own values (as they will naturally rise up to become what others will consider “high/er values” and, because they’re fit for you, for adhering to them and becoming trusted with adhering to them by others and your self; thank you for sharing this enlightening idea with your audience!


I can see how I've been too much of a nice guy in the past, part of it was going along to get along. What that tells me is I didn't know enough about myself to assert myself in a positive way. And this comes from a broken childhood where I hid from myself, had parents who tried to make me into someone I didn't want to be, and just running away. As much of this dust clears, I am actually happy with myself, and expect that I can be the kind of leader a woman wants and needs. But I am not there yet.


Great camera work Anna. You're a perfectionist in many ways.


I have watched many YouTube videos to understand women, but I think this is the best. It has everything. Thank you!


I recently found your videos and really enjoy your perspective. I gave up a long time ago and now I am 33 I see that it's a lost cause to even try. Your videos has helped with simplifying interactions with people in general when I am out and about or being social. Takes the pressure off knowing not every interaction will be positive. Just move on. I am now in the process of looking into starting a family on my own as I want to be a father before it's too late. Adoption and surrogacy are my primary options, so I am gathering information and opinions as much as I can. Looking into both pros and cons of not involving a mother and going into this as a solo parent. Doing this when I am 35/36 so I am aiming to put myself in a solid financial situation. Other than that just wan to say thanks for the different topical videos you make. Peace!


Thank you for another powerful and insightful video. I stand by this video and everything you've said in it. Keep up the good work and know that I got your back!

*Your Channel is a international treasure🙏🙏*

-Team Anna Wingmam


Balance is important and this gives great insight. As well as really clarifying on some long mysterious areas. So showing someone they are special and making our time a priority is important, but not at the expense of your own goals and well being. Thank you for explaining what a healthy dominance is, and that there is indeed such a thing.


I get friend zoned All the time. I am a kind man. I’m 6ft 1 1/2. I’m not a doormat. I don’t sleep around.
I am
Going to go out and enjoy my Life. I am tired of being hurt.


Thank You. It was only yesterday (after watching some other vids on Youtube about this topic) that I learned how important 'feeling secure and safe' was to females. The person (on the vid) gave the example of where they asked an auditorium full of men and women to raise their hand if in the past month they felt 'genuine fear' about a situation they happened to be in. The vast majority of woman raised their hand, but only a few men. She stated that this is something that men are NOT aware of, but it is constantly on the mind of females. [This blew my mind. I agree, men don't know this. Feeling genuine fear is not something men worry about very often. ]


I always find it difficult to not be nice. I was always told to treat women like you would want your daughter treated😁. I'm sure I will get there with your help. I'm enjoying putting all your good advice to good use👍🥰🥰🥰


Knowing my weaknesses is empowering. Being just a little bit naughty while not being exploitive or manipulative of others might just be my super power with truly desirable women of a certain age and demeanor 😊


Bingo Talk about hitting the hammer on the nail...


I really enjoy your channel and have dipped in and out over the last couple of months... The info seems grounded and often solid enough. But I'm also constant remind by other channels I watch with the saying never ask a fish to well teach you to fish. So maybe I simply need to watch more of your video's rather than dipping in and out >.<


I hope you enjoyed my video "3 Keys To Attracting & Seducing A High Value Woman In Modern Times!"


Needed this. Thanks. I hope you're making lots of money here, because you deserve it.


The takeaways I hear: (1) serve by leading (or, lead to serve); and (2) you're going to attract more high-value women by working toward purposes / goals that are more important to you than attracting women.

Like cats: you don't get them to jump up on your lap by inviting them to.


One of your better topics recently. Thank you. It dovetails with other videos you've made so I won't repeat whatever I said other than that worthwhile women crave and respond well to a direct man. Something I learned late in life.
