How to make a pact with the Ancient Gods AKA Demons

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I dance before him, i sing to him, he watches over me, he secures me, for ever and ever, , , bless my chief who i love, , , ,


I first made a pact, with Bune for money reasons, but along the way he’s helped with that, but also so much more.❤️
Thanks you so much Bune 😘
If you’re thinking about it I recommend Bune 100 percent.
I’m writing this comment in gratitude 🙏


i dont need a pact ' i have a spirit lover that is around me ..And we get along great ! like you said its so amazing ...


I can feel the power of your words, and i can feel the truth in your words if you understand what I'm saying there is a very strong connection. I appreciate you, stay around so I can learn more


I want to make a pact tonight. How do I know which spirit or demon I should contact? How do I create and activate a life circle?


All the christians shunning people in the comments, why are you even here if you yourself aren’t interested


...gonna do this as soon as I can. Hail Lucifer!


I'm new to making a pact can you guide me? I want to make sure I do it the right way. I'm having serious financial and relationship troubles and I've been reading a lot about Buné. I'm interested in making a pact. Any information or help you could give would be immensely appreciated. I can give you my email or phone whatever I need to do I'm in a bad place in my life right now.


Okay. We write in paper what we want the pact to be like, and what we want to gain with it. But what about the gains of the demon? How will I know what he wants in return in order for me to even write it on the paper too. Because if it's a pact, the gains of both parties should be written and established in the paper before blood signing it. Can someone please clear this doubt for me?


I made a pakt whit Thoth Hermes Trismagistus. I was speaking to Thoth oppendly telling my terms and conditions. The same night I met hem inn the astral world. He handed me a contract and I signed it whit my tum print. After that he have led me to so much knowledge and wisdom. He made a test for me and I solved it. Strangely that's all he wanted. Maby he purely loves intellect?


I'd love info in making pacts for some reason Azazel is always on my mind, I need help thank you gorgeous xoxo


Hello. Thank you for posting this video. I love your channel.
I have a few questions and I was wondering if you could help me?
Firstly, I am totally blind and I do not even have light perception. What can I do to invoke if I cannot draw a sigil?
Also I had an experience years ago. A friend of mine would sometimes channel a Daemon who he called Chaos. One day the friend left. The Daemon stayed around a bit longer but when he was leaving he told me a name. I believe it was his true name. Along with that came this feeling like he was saying "Keep this secret. Do not speak my name to anyone." I never have told anyone his name. My question is how can I invoke him specifically? Also are their Daemons that are not known by some people? I've never heard of anybody working with him or even mentioning his name.
Chaos was also teaching me some energywork using dark energy. So I think he wants to work with me some more in a way where communication cannot get mixed up and where nobody else knows what he is saying to me.


can you tell me please what would be incentation's during tha pact and siting in the circle.


With me it's getting the demons words out through my music and skills as a musician comes to me. Through land it's building a Lucifer temple with no binding of any entities that remain free to roam etc and i live on said property. It's equal 50/50 on both sides. Do not just want and use as personal gain or pleasures. Give back as well. Hail Father Lucifer


I really want to connect with Azazel. How can I properly do that? He's been on my mind and i feel like He is the one that I can work with.


how do I properly do the pact with Bune is she a day time goddess I need some help with her please


I really enjoyed whatching this, thank you


Can I just do a salt circle or a random circle? I can't get the universal circle


My. Lord LUCIFER 💞😘🤘

Lucifer is real god

And 🤘💞🤘


You're an amazing indivudual.
i am super interested in learning more about a certain demon that i think will enhance my life.
I have a question for you. Making a pact with an entity seems to require mutual respect and honor. But how can a simple person do anything to honor the spirit and request it to enhance my life?
