This Bodybuilder Was Once Called Little Hercules, See What He Looks Like Now

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A bodybuilder will typically dedicate their entire life to creating the exact body that they want for themselves and the amount of time that they spend at the gym ensuring that they are properly sculpted is nothing to sneeze at. When they are not in the process of lifting, they are constructing dietary plans that are designed to have their bodies looking their absolute best.

When Richard Sandrak was just a little boy, he found himself at the epicenter of a controversial style of parenting. His father had gotten him started in the world of weightlifting when he was all of two years old and the child took to the lifestyle rather readily. He quickly developed a reputation for himself and by the time he was eight years old, he already achieved a shredded physique.

The boy was born in the Ukraine and as the son of a mother who regularly competed in aerobics competitions and a father who won awards as a martial artist, he was taught to take care of his body from a very young age. Once the family moved across the pond and took up residence in the state of Pennsylvania, little Richard was introduced to the wonders of weightlifting.

The boy showed an immediate aptitude and as a result, his father elected to move the family once more. There were a wide range of weightlifting opportunities in California and Richard’s father Pavel wanted him to be able to capitalize. A fitness coach was hired and even though Richard did not want to undergo this regimen, he was made to do hundreds of squats and push ups each day.

Richard wasn’t allowed to eat like a child or live like one, but his physique soon became incredible and it wasn’t long before he was known as the world’s strongest little boy. As word trickled down, people began to question Pavel’s methods, although Richard claims he was never forced into the lifestyle. The bodybuilding era came to an end after Pavel was sent to prison for abusing Richard’s mother.

He spent a quieter existence with his mother once Pavel was gone and finally got to enjoy the life of a child. He is currently employed by Universal Studios as a stuntman and while he has put his formerly grueling regimen to the side, he still keeps himself healthy. He now dreams of becoming a scientist and hopes to join NASA. Best of luck to you, Richard!

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