Freedoms I Have In The Netherlands That I DON'T Have In America | American Living in The Netherlands

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Freedoms I Have In The Netherlands That I DON"T Have In America | American Living in The Netherlands
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Are The Dutch Lazy and Rude? Things I Hear from Americans/ An American Living in The Netherlands
Yoooo Welcome to the Vlog diary of an American Living In the Netherlands! Ive been on a creative whirlwind with the day in my life vlogs all while working full time here in the Netherlands and today we're talking about Things that are taken for granted here in the netherlands That I hear complaints about all the time. I love living here in the Netherlands and love The Dutch culture and believe when i say that... This is How The dutch are changing my mindset in the best way.

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Yoooo Happy Monday!! So both countries have things to work on. But I do love the freedoms I have in the netherlands and hope america adopts these!


When Americans say Freedom: I think they mean: "I want to have a crocodile in my backyard"
When Europeans say Freedom, they mean freedom from poverty, disease, unemployment, etc
You can not have a crocodile in your backyard in Europe, they will eat the neighbours.


Is it bad that I watch these as a Dutch person to hear how cool our country is. That's bad isn't it.


Universal rule number 37: if you bring an umbrella, it will not rain,
Universal rule number 38: if you lose your umbrella, it will rain


Dutchie here from the areas you were walking through, both Haarlem and Amsterdam.
You stood in front of places i lived in, worked at and got married in. This clip was quite the emotional ride for me.
Enjoy our wonderful Netherlands and spread the freedom you receive. It will endure as long as we keep it safe.


Yeah man... The new American Dream is to get the hell out of America. Sad but true.


Also religious freedom. The average Dutch person does not care what your religion is, as long as you 'doe normaal' (act civil). We don't like people pushing things/opinions in our face. I often say: Be careful what you ask, because you will get an honest answer, that you might not like: Does this dress make me look fat? Yes! ;-)


Children playing outside without parents is freedom.


Another nice thing about our trains, you often get a free umbrella ;-)


You are such a fun guy. I've lived in the Netherlands for 46 years!!! Born in Wichita, Kansas, but left the states when I was 21, not planning on permanently living anywhere else, but it happened and I have no regrets. You are right about the freedoms we have here, I do not take them for granted. My child was born here in 1977 and I paid 00.00. Can't believe you have to pay 15, 00 bucks to have a child. and the student loan thing is just insane. Thanks for your videos, I like them a lot.


The freedom of ‘self’, very well phrased mate, never could find the right words but this is spot on!


I was born in the Netherlands and lived there for 40 years. Then I immigrated to the US and lived there for 25 years. Now I am retired and I just moved back to Europe. The reason why I moved back is that in Europe I never have to worry about running out of money. That is an incredible feeling of freedom.


Je bent echt een positief mens. Vind je filmpjes echt geweldig


At the age of 16y I was an exchange student in the US. I stayed with 3 families in 3 different states. The view on freedom in the US is completely different than in Europe. For example I wasn’t allowed to run at night in the US. My exchange parents said it was dangerous. People are scared. In their mind their freedom in carrying a gun. In Italy I run at night, I actually do in every European country and never felt unsafe. For me freedom is being safe, move around without any worries, being able to study in any European country I want, if I want to go partying in Switzerland, I just do it. Freedom for me is being 19y old and speaking 5 languages perfectly thanks to Erasmus. If I want to travel right now, I just pack my bags and travel around Europe.


It's wise to buy a mini-umbrella you can extend. You can carry it in your bag and always be prepared.


Als Nederlander hou ik van m’n vrijheid niet neergeschoten te worden 🤗


The nature in America is great; ironically, that is the one thing they don't have a hand in lol. I say this as an American living in Cali for 5 years and currently visiting my Dutch boyfriend. The freedom of movement is huge here. I love being able to not need a car and reliably go within a city and between cities. Don't get me started on the food lol. I can eat the bread! And totally agree with you on the freshness. I am amazed by all the efficiency, even the shopping carts are efficient lol. TLDR: I am trying to move here.


We do have access to all types of food the entire year round in The Netherlands too, but when a fruit or vegetable is out of season, it's a LOT more expensive and far more difficult to get. You might have to place a special order at a local store (not a supermarket), but it's definitely possible. It's just encouraged to buy products that are in season.


I lived in the US for a couple of years and still have some friends there. I loved living there (awesome nature, living space) at the time and loved the people I met there. However, I never understood why so many over there live under the illusion that the US is the greatest country or that is the land of the free. I’m so happy to live in Europe, where live is so much better.


I also wanted to react to the worker's rights thing: Here in The Netherlands the amount of rights workers have is very extensive and one small YT comment won't encompass all that you are entitled to as an employee, but here are some things:

- 4 weeks of mandatory paid vacation each year
- Up to a maximum of 2 years of paid sick leave (it's not included in the vacation days).
- 10 days of paid parental leave for fathers, 3 months for mothers, with the possibility to extend this (at 70% of your salary) for many more months (for both parents btw!).
- A minimum of 1 month's notice before being laid off.
- A permanent contract after 3 consecutive temporary contracts or after 2 years of being employed.

There are many other benefits that companies offer themselves, like extending the paid vacation days to 6 or 7 weeks, but all the above is obligatory by law for any employer.
