CMS Fee Schedule Lookup Tool — Step-by-Step Instructions

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Q: CMS Fee Schedule Lookup Tool

A: Let’s take a look at the first topic that I’ve got. This is all around that CMS Fee Schedule Look- up Tool and this is actually one that I started with the last webinar. Last month, there was a question about whether or not a certain modifier was allowed on the CPT code for Medicare. And the way that I found that, I kind of went through real quickly and said “Oh, here’s what I find on the Medicare website,” and somebody said, “Wait, wait, wait, can you back up and actually give us the step-by-step of how we get there?” It’s funny, you take for granted those things that you’re used to using day in and day out. So, I did, I put together kind of a step-by-step process here.

Step 1 kind of tells you started the Physician Fee Schedule Look Up, and I’ve included the link directly to that. If, you, for some reason don’t have that link and you’re trying to get there, just go to the website and there’s a small search engine up in the corner, right there. You just can type in “Physician Fee Schedule 2016” and that will get you to the same screen that I’m on. So, that’s step one, I put a screenshot in there for you.

Step 2 is that on that same screen, we are going to click the “Start Search” button which is orange and it’s in the middle of the screen. Down at the bottom...Laureen, can you go back to there? If you scroll up just a little bit? Right there next to the computer, that search button is what we will click here in just a second. But what I want to point out here is down at the bottom there is a Help PDF file. That PDF file is actually a little booklet that will walk you through how to use this tool, what the different pieces mean, all of that thing. that’s where I found a lot of the information that I included in this.




More Information about CMS Fee Schedule Look Up Tool:

CMS Physician Fee Schedule Search - Centers for ...
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
License for Use of Current Procedural Terminology, Fourth Edition (“CPT”)

Physician Fee Schedule Look-Up Tool - Centers for ...
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Jan 6, 2016 - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services ... To start your search, go to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Look-up Tool. To read ...

Overview of the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Search
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
The Physician Fee Schedule Look-up tool enables users to search pricing amounts, various payment ... Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

Physician Fee Schedule - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid ...
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Apr 7, 2016 - The CY 2016 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule with ... Through the proposed rule, CMS is beginning implementation of the new ...

Fee Schedule - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Dec 15, 2015 - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services ... The clinical laboratory fee schedule files are located in the download section below:.



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