How GTA6 designed a new way to animate its characters

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Rockstar's parent company filed a patent revealing a game-changing system that will increase the amount of possibilities and realism of GTA6.
Let's explore how it works.

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On the point of the ragdolls. Couple years back Take Two acquired Zynga, who actually owned Natural Motion, the developer of the Euphoria system. This means Rockstar now has full rights to further develop it, as they please.


The first non milked gta 6 content I’ve seen


"Oh you like this new, cool system we invented? One game in ten years will have it"


actually, the NPCs are just sentient now


This is the first video of yours I've come across, and it held my attention from start to finish-- great stuff, love the editing and content!


*Lego Batman Movie scene when Bruce Wayne is being charmed*
Great Video btw.

Side note: In the gaming industry, there are many patents that developers make to ensure that no other company patents the technology for them and prevents the original creators of it from using it (basically stealing the idea from them). It is not necessarily to prevent others from using it, but rather to ensure that they can use it.
In short, yes, they can prevent other companies from using the technology, but that doesn't mean they will actually do it. There are several cases of both choices.


Motion capture usually serves a reference point, the "clean up" is almost making the entire animation from scratch. We need to give credit to all hardworking animators on the team! haha


I'm glad that you mentioned GTA IV because V felt like a stepdown in physics at the time.


We really have Lucia explaining how GTA 6 is going to work before GTA 6 💀🙏


Another sticking point with motion matching is that for the animation to look natural it has to impose some kind of limitations on the kind of fast and responsive movement people expect out of their character in a game. Data-driven is definitely the cooler approach compared to what the industry has been doing so far though. I did something like R*'s new system (but less in-depth) for the locomotion on enemies in Returnal actually. The animators authored mostly fullbody animations with root motion, then a system would analyze the root motion offline and figure out speeds, directions of movement, intent etc. Then on runtime the right animation was picked dynamically based on the enemy's current pose, velocity, and what the AI wanted to do. Can't imagine doing anything like this efficiently with a regular state machine. 😄


I was WAITING for someone to explain their new AI patent like this! Thank you so much. I am getting into game development myself and I saw this patent years ago when it was first discovered but NO ONE has yet to go in-depth like this yet.


As a fellow game developer enthusiast, I appreciate your detailed investigation. The shift to a data-driven animation system seems revolutionary. Thanks for the video👍


Very informative! I think if Rockstar decided not to patent this technology, it would be a legacy move that would only solidify their good reputation. I just hope these big companies would trust the market more instead of keeping everything to themselves out of competition and greed.


So, In leaked footage of GTA VI when they were testing crouching animation relative to the height of an object; they were using this patent. Damn! I am excited as hell to play the game. I might go back to those footages to see more of it.


I just found your channel and after this video I can tell you imma be HOOKED to your content, you’re a refreshing watch; with an intelligent goofy persona I love it!


You don't have to create 10 animations for 10 different characters in Unity.
By humanoid retargeting, you can just create animations for only one character and they'll work on other characters too.


You radiate some real YouTuber energy. This platform needs more creators like you.


ALSO!!! I’ve always wondered that about GTA 5’s physics system. Although it looked improved, I wondered why some aspects were changed or removed that GTA 4 had cuz I LOVEDDD the realism revolving around the damage to the vehicles and stuff. Like they can literally be deformed and crushed if hit by a much larger vehicle. Then GTA 5 comes out and it’s like… dumbed down? I thought with each game it’d keep improving for there but with small stuff like that, I was disappointed and have always wondered about it, especially coming to newer generation consoles that have more power and such. But it makes total sense that with how much larger the map is for GTA 5 that some things would have to be compensated for others. Glad to see that with the tech for GTA 6, we should most likely be seeing a return of those things~


It's very rare to stumble upon a video of a youtuber who is both GENIUS and ADORABLE at the same time. Thank you


It's amazing how you can explain such complex mechanics in such a simple way that even complete noobs in development(such as me) can perfectly understand all of it!
I'm so glad I found your channel! 😃🙏🤩
