Rhino - Grasshopper [Plugin] - NumBetween

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At minute 6:42 I will show you how to install it
I created this simple component for Grasshopper. This component has 3 inputs: 1- a list of numbers 2- Lower limit 3- Upper limit. The component will then compare each entry in the list of numbers and if the number falls between the Min and Max limits(bigger or equal to the Min and smaller or equal to the Max at the same time) it will output True, otherwise false. In this video, you'll see a real test case/scenario where this component might be useful.
#rhino3d #grasshopper3d #grasshopperplugin
Please watch: "Rhino 8 [Plugin] Convert Dimensions To Static"
I created this simple component for Grasshopper. This component has 3 inputs: 1- a list of numbers 2- Lower limit 3- Upper limit. The component will then compare each entry in the list of numbers and if the number falls between the Min and Max limits(bigger or equal to the Min and smaller or equal to the Max at the same time) it will output True, otherwise false. In this video, you'll see a real test case/scenario where this component might be useful.
#rhino3d #grasshopper3d #grasshopperplugin
Please watch: "Rhino 8 [Plugin] Convert Dimensions To Static"
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